Sunday, December 27, 2009

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Faith in Christ, transmit delegable?
Christoph Theobald
A conference and a session
Christoph Theobald, a Jesuit theologian, editor of the Religious Sciences Research is the author of numerous books on theology and pastoral care.
Friday, January 15, 2010 - to 20h
Area St. Ignatius - 20 rue Sala - 69002 Lyon
(Metro Bellecour)

Download the poster evening


Route Bruissin - Francheville

What we call, sometimes distracted, "word of God" is a word radically human and even more human can exist: one that brings life on our trip difficult or happy. It makes its way to the ears of others because it is responsible for the desire he can not only hear but to take his turn, despite all that opposes individually and collectively ... This word is the gospel of freedom , news of radical goodness - Eu-aggelion - I want to sound throughout the book: The Gospel of God because every word of life exceeds that who utters it and the one who hears it and nothing guaranteed in advance she makes the "talking live" gospel of freedom because such speech can only come from the depths of the human heart to show her perfect match with itself and because nothing can reveal God's freedom if that human freedom.

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February 2, 2010

Day for Consecrated Life

As every year, men and women religious, consecrated virgins, the Hermits and members of secular institutes invite you to join them at the Day of Consecrated Life.
The celebration will be held at the Basilica of Fourviere
February 2, 2010 at 16h
In this first year of the triennium, devoted to body and health, it proposoé is devoted to people who want to celebrate
the Sacrament of Anointing of the sick .
For organizational reasons, people wishing to receive this sacrament want well be known by writing to:
Secretariat of Consecrated Life
Archdiocese of Lyon 1, place de Fourviere
69321 Lyon cedex 05 or

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A Jesuit treasure in the heart of the city

10 years in Lyon Collection Fountains

Points of news!
review of the Lyon Municipal Library strives to put the news into perspective with the collections of the municipal library of Lyon.
To celebrate the 10th year of public opening of the Collection of Fountains in Lyons, published this week:

A Jesuit treasure in the heart of the city 10 years in Lyon Collection Fountains

Happy reading!

Jesuit library

City Library Lyon
+33 (0)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie, The Doctor

The Community of Chemin Neuf
Contact: Jacques Villemagne - 04 72 26 34 98

Sunday, December 13, 2009

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Thursday, December 3, 2009
Family Day Ignatian
Central Chapel St. Mark

Some texts of the celebration

to keep memory


  • Reading the Gospel of Matthew (Mt 28, 16-20): "Go therefore and teach all nations and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all the commandments I gave you. And I am with you always until the end of the world. "

    • Speech by Jean-Francois Vallette , Health Prevention Center, Director Aid Drink:
      "Take risks more crazy to go to as many people proclaim the good news of the gospel regardless of shipwrecks, pirates, disease, the unknown ... " ( Read )

    • Intervention Flavie Leveque , St. Mark's Pastoral Centre:
      "Dear friends, I give you some thoughts on this extract of a letter from Francis Xavier to his companions living in Rome. From the first reading his words rang like a surprising n'usons news even though we no longer quite the same language, when we no longer dare to testify with such enthusiasm ... " ( Read )

    Saturday, December 12, 2009

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    the school of St. Ignatius (January- 2010)

    From a personal experience of prayer,
    with the help of individual coaching,
    and support of a group sharing:

    discover or deepen my personal relationship with the God of Jesus Christ in my daily life.

    Two options offered to all

    1. Initiation to prayer
    Saturday January 9 to Saturday, 6 February 2010

    2. Retirement life
    Sunday January 3 Sunday, February 28, 2010

    1. Initiation to prayer

    Saturday January 9 to Saturday, February 6, 2010

    A journey on one months.
    A unique venue for all meetings:
    Area St. Ignatius - 20 Sala Street (2nd) - metro Bellecour

    Afternoon Launch: Saturday, January 9, 2010 to 14h30 to 18h
    - bring his Bible -
    Three interim meetings 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. (coaching staff before or after each meeting):

    • Thursday, January 14, 2010
    • Thursday, January 21 2010
    • Thursday, January 28, 2010

    A final meeting Saturday, February 6 from 14:30 to 19h
    which will conclude with a Eucharist.

    fee: between 30 and 50 €
    (room rentals, coaching fees and secretarial)
    For more information:
    Download the registration form
    Suzanne Vittoz, Sister Servant of Jesus tel: 04 78 41 09 93

    2. Retirement life

    Sunday January 3 Sunday, February 28, 2010

    A course of 2 months.
    (time support staff to determine the accompanist)

    A day of launch: Sunday, January 3, 2010 from 9am to 17:30
    which will conclude with a Eucharist bring his Bible - the
    Spiritual Center of Châtelard (Francheville)
    Four meetings intermediates 19:30 21H1 5 -

    • Wednesday, January 13, 2010
    • Monday, January 25, 2010
    • Thursday, February 4, 2010
    • Tuesday, February 16, 2010
      with the Little Sisters of the Poor 69003 Lyon 10 rue Gandolière
      (5 mins walk from the Part Dieu, Villette exit)

    A final meeting Sunday, February 28 from 14h to 18h30 ending with a Mass at
    Spiritual Center Châtelard (Francheville)

    fee: between 60 and 100 €
    (room rentals, meals Châtelard
    expenses and secretarial support)
    To More information:
    Download the registration form.
    Noëlle Hiesse , CVX, tel: 04 78 64 18 78

    conditions necessary to enjoy the experience
    Set aside at least two or three times to pray during the week
    Take time Replay daily
    Meet an escort once a week for the duration of the experiment
    Attend all meetings and common
    be ready for all this to review and adapt its
    The objective is the same
    for both proposals but
    Retreat in life requires some experience of Ignatian prayer.

    Tuesday, October 27, 2009

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    Thursday 3 December 2009

    Day Ignatian Family

    December 3 is the day of St. Francis Xavier and the date was chosen to be the day of the festival annual Ignatian Family for France.

    18.30 - Eucharist

    followed by the cup of friendship

    's Church Centre St Marc (10 rue Ste Hélène)

    As in Lourdes in July 2006 where 10,000 members of the Ignatian family found themselves.

    Monday, October 26, 2009

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    with the Word of God
    following Sunday

    The fourth Wednesday of the month.
    19:30 / 8:30 p.m.
    St. Francis Church - 11 rue Auguste Comte
    Lyon 2 (metro Bellecour)

    October 28, 2009 Nov. 25 Jan. 27, 2010

    March 24 April 28 May 26

    Learning to pray with St. Ignatius
    Throughout the hour, time to sing.
    Listen, read and proclamerl'Evangile Sunday following.
    Lighting, comment, pray for guidance.
    Twenty minutes of silence, contemplate and meditate on the Word of God.
    time in small groups to share what the Spirit told us.

    Thursday, October 1, 2009

    Birthday Thoughts For Boss

    Cave spiritual

    I had asked here some time ago, on my ability to contemplate the divine in nature and my inability to ; enter into contemplation when I found myself face to Men, yet "summits of creation. "

    In nature, I feel a certain transparency, so that humans my eye was arrested by a kind of opacity & # 233;. But perhaps what I perceive as opaque it is simply unfathomable mystery of each human being?

    This morning, praying on the subway, I experienced a kind of reconciliation. I saw everyone around me a crannies, a crack in a cave in which the burning flame of the divine presence, this room know that many spiritual.

    I was sitting in the middle of a forest cave spiritual. It was beautiful!

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    Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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    Back on earth

    My pilgrimage to the Holy Land in June & I dénia # 233; on the spiritual plane.

    When I read the Bible, especially the book of Acts of the Apostles, I felt that there had been a golden age of Christianity. All united with one heart ...

    In fact, I discovered and learned that it was not: the early Christians were a handful e, not all agree among themselves, inventing their way in the dark, amidst disbelief and even hostility ; general. Nothing was

    easy for them. Nothing is easy and obvious today. Like yesterday, we must trust in God and men, fight for unity in peace, open windows and doors, leave the drone of his convictions.

    Yesterday, today and tomorrow, we are housed in the same boat. And I find it very reassuring: all hope. The best is yet to come!

    This message was sent from a BlackBerry Bouygues Telecom

    Friday, August 28, 2009

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    A path of Christian life in today's world.

    GOD in my life:

    • The discover
    • The join
    • live with him full humanity.

    For more information, you are invited to participate in

    two meetings have

    On Lyon: Monday, September 14 at 18:30
    Jesuit Community - 20 Sala Street

    69002 LYON (Metro: Bellecour or Ampere)
    Contact: Jesuit Community
    20 rue Sala 69002 LYON
    Henri AUBERT
    - 04 72 77 September 1
    Show the leaflet Lyon

    On Ste Foy: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 20:30
    parish halls of Planit
    16 rue Ste Foy
    Contact: V. and Y. CADIOU - 06-70-29-11-30
    C. and D. Frizot : 04-72-16-01-50
    Show the leaflet Ste Foy

    This is originates in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556).
    Convert to a life of adventure in 30 years, Ignatius is a man of God and man of action: he founded the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits).
    A part of his experience, he wrote the Spiritual Exercises that are based on the life of Jesus and reveal God in everyday life.
    He writes: "Walking, walking, running ... are physical exercises. Pray, meditate, contemplate ... are religious exercises. "
    Routes Ignatian propose a practical approach, practical, graduated which allows everyone to discover:
    how God is present and active in their daily lives
    how the Word of God becomes alive and embodied in his life.
    "Finding God in all things! "

    An Itinerary

    • Intended for lay people of all ages.
    • Waymarked by sharing time, teaching, prayer and spiritual exercises.
    • Lived with a team that has experienced this route: priests, religious and laity.

      Itinerary runs in 12 games for 1H30.

    In Lyon
    Meetings are held 4 rue St François de Sales, Lyon Bellecour Metro second

    Three schedules are possible:
    Monday 18:30 2h (first meeting October 5, 2009)
    Monday from 8:15 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (first meeting October 5, 2009)
    Thursday from 2:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. (first meeting October 8, 2009)

    A Ste Foy
    Meetings are held in church halls of Planit 16 rue Ste Foy

    A second year of deepening is proposed under the same provisions schedules.

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    Training and Academic Research

    Helping Hand University

    Contact: Jean-Noel Gindre - - 06 17 51 15 38

    MEC (House of Catholic Students)

    The Christian Sources

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    Spiritual Formation
    7 teams - Robert White - 06 37 15 25 44
    Contact: Home Châtelard - 04 72 16 22 33
    Espace Saint Ignatius
    Next conference: Faith in Christ, transmit delegable (Christoph Theobald)

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    Centre Saint Marc

    six schools - Branch -

    Trinidad - Fenelon

    2 schools - Branch -

    Center School Lestonnac

    Secondary and College Chevreul Lestonnac - 2 Boulevard of Czechoslovaks

    69007 Lyon tel: 04 72 83 20 June

    Secondary School Chevreul

    21, rue Sala 69287 Lyon second
    Tel:, Fax:

    Chevreul Holy Cross School

    College Froment

    1 Route de Champagne
    69370 St Didier au Mont d'Or
    April 1978 35 86 03

    Wednesday, August 26, 2009

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    The Institutes of Consecrated Life
    Institutes of Consecrated Life were created in 1947 and recognized by Pius XII in the Apostolic Constitution Provida Mater Ecclesia. The institutes bring together lay men and women who live in the open world their dedication to God, and from the world involved in the task of evangelization and sanctification of the world. Immersed in ordinary life, inserted in their professional, social and cultural development, they contribute to the original mission of salvation of the whole Church. There are also secular institutes of priests. In 60 years and on all continents, more than 200 secular institutes were created, including a quarantine in France today who gather 3,500 members.
    Institutes of Consecrated Life Family Igantienne in Lyon:

    Family Cor Unum - Patrice Mollet - - 06 89 32 31 90

    Daughters of the Heart of Mary - 1 homes - Andree Luminet - 04 72 69 82 80

    Notre Dame Labour - Yvette Badero - 04 78 00 24 17

    Oblates of the Sacred Heart - Roselyne Delebarre - 04 70 28 03 03

    Life and Faith - Madeleine Legrand - 03 81 53 19 68

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    movements and community lay

    Christian Life Community

    47 teams Contact: Genevieve Letanche - 04 78 50 61 32

    Christian Movement Frames and business leaders

    37 teams Contact: Guy Ombede - 04 74 31 62 53

    Eucharistic Youth Movement
    7 branches
    Contact: Bénédicte Jouve - 06 72 65 59 68

    Ignatian Youth Network
    Contact: Clotilde Collard - 04 72 33 22 86

    The Sappel
    Contact: Marie Noelle Lopez - 04 74 57 94 27

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    religious congregations of Ignatian Family

    in Lyon

    Auxiliary Priests
    1 Communities of
    Contact: Jeanne-Antoinette Dussardier - 04 72 85 92 23

    3 communities
    Contact: Laurence Ducellier - 04 78 35 68 56

    Our Lady of the Cenacle
    a community
    Contact: Anne-Marie Charbonnier - 04 7257 18 46

    Company of Mary Our Lady
    3 communities - Central Lestonac School - Secondary School Chevreul - College Froment
    Contact: Micheline Humbert - - 06 61 71 79 49

    Hospitallers of Our Lady of Mercy
    5 communities
    Contact: Françoise Cluzel - 04 78 25 93 73

    Institute of the Sisters of St. Joseph
    a community - Novitiate
    Contact: Martine Goury - 04 78 59 65 65

    Missionaries of Our Lady of Sorrows
    and Our Lady of Chambriac
    Communities of 1, 1 home
    Contact: Sister Maria Lucia - 04 78 25 29 29

    Religious of the Sacred Heart
    4 communities - School Sacred Heart Centre (Saint Mark)
    Contact: Michele Nard - 04 78 42 38 25

    Holy Cross of Jerusalem
    a priory - Fireplace
    Contact: Sister Bernadette - 04 78 89 00 03

    Servant Sisters of Jesus
    2 communities
    Contact: Sofie's Verdier - 04 78 41 09 93

    Sisters of Charity of Nevers
    a community
    Contact: Klinke Mérette -04 78 54 20 52

    Sisters Retirement
    a community - Novitiate
    Contact: Daniele Eon - - 04 78 88 13 95

    Sisters of Saint Andrew
    a community - Novitiate
    Contact: Agnes Granier - 04 72 34 17 66

    Sisters of St. Joseph Chambery
    a community
    Contact: Marie-Pierre Martinetto - 06 13 13 26 19

    Sisters of St. Joseph of Lyon
    16 communities
    Contact: Françoise Martin - April 1978 28 14 13

    Sisters of Christ
    a community
    Contact: Clotilde Collard - 04 72 33 22 86

    Ursuline CJA
    2 communities - Fireplace
    Contact: Marie-Therese Vallet - 04 78 88 27 68

    Ursuline Roman Union
    a community - St. Ursula School (Centre Saint Mark)
    Contact: Catherine Meurillon - 04 72 57 98 09

    Friday, August 21, 2009

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    When we read the Bible, we see that the action of God is manifested in a life by the arrival of new in the old. Old men bear children, the sick are healed for years ...

    I think the Judeo-Christian believer is called to become a théophile, a friend of God, who believes that something new can happen in life . Not because God will change the world around us, but because he will start by changing our view of the world, about ourselves, on the other. This is called conversion.

    Once this conversion is initiated, the growth process is initiated: from new can happen. Gradually. Things do not change overnight, even some things will not change but, again, that our eyes on them that will change. And that makes all the difference.

    This message was sent from a BlackBerry Bouygues Telecom

    Sunday, July 19, 2009

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    The Society of Jesus

    In Lyon and Lyon
    Contact: 20 rue Sala - 69002 Lyon - 04 72 77 September 1

    4 communities (75 Jesuits)

    In Lyon, the Jesuits are inserted in many areas where they work with apostolic laity and members of the Ignatian family.

    The world of education and youth

    The spiritual and training

    • The spiritual center of Châtelard , to host retreats, weekend getaways for betrothed, sessions, etc..
    • Jesuit Chapel Street and Sala Centre St. Ignatius ,
      serving the Ignatian Family
      20 rue Sala 69002 Lyon (metro Bellecour) - 04 72 77 September 2000
    • Routes Ignatian (a school of spiritual life for the laity)
    • Accompaniment personal spiritual counseling practiced by the Jesuits of the different communities
    • CVX - Christian Life Community
    • MCC - Movement of Christian Executives and business leaders)

    World Health

    • Assisting Studies in Medicine (see above MEC )
    • Albatros (training in palliative care)
    • Garden Covered : from birth to grade four, children with their parents can come and spend some time ...

    University research

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    Our project

    Ignatius gathered around him a few companions. They moved to live in turn his own experience acting in the world by staying close to Christ to achieve unity in their lives, to unify their lives around Christ so that itself can be recognized in all human activity as every human being.

    Companions of Jesus, we commit our lives to serving God and men in the Church. We carry the desire to invest our energy where we perceive the needs which correspond to the urgent appeals of today's world, where growth is human suffering, wherever it is necessary to somehow shake up the world today and pass the borders. Youth is one of those places call but also the meeting of cultures, the understanding of faith, service to the poor, the emergence of new spiritual needs. So many places where we are sent on a mission to recognize and proclaim Jesus Christ. Researchers from God, sent to the border, we are not single men. We chose to live with roommates, as a rule of common life. We are daily under the responsibility a superior who helps us to live and work together to achieve greater apostolic effectiveness.

    Sunday, June 28, 2009

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    The branch

    14 days ago, we met at the church meditate and pray for the Gospel of John, chap. 15 (I am the vine and you are the branches, abide in me and I in you, without me ye can do nothing ...)

    I cut my garden twig of vine & # 233; decorate the altar, and illustrate the text.

    Listening to the text, I turned my gaze to the spontaneously auteul and saw. I saw the twig with leaves beginning to wilt. I had a cut this branch hour and a half earlier and was already dying.

    And I was overwhelmed by an immense pity for this shoot: I do not think he could die so quickly being separated from the vine. It was such a short time and he was already so badly.

    Before that, I did not realize how the branch could not do without the vine. This is vital!

    I confess, I cried, hiding a bit because I was in public.

    For this shoot, it was me.
    This message was sent from a BlackBerry Bouygues Telecom

    Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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    The Family Day Ignatian

    June 6, 2009 at Châtelard

    The rain did not stop us ...
    The discovery game, held on the set of Châtelard did not happen ... Too bad!

    But after 18h, Family Igatienne found itself in a beautiful Eucharist Châtelard of the Trinity.

    Ignatian Family Home by Agnes Granier:
    With the power of the Spirit he came one day time will meet today man ...
    Read .

    Opening father J.-J. Guillemot,
    vice-provincial of France. Read his speech .

    Homily of Father Henri Aubert:
    On this feast of the Trinity, we are gathered across from the Lyon region, as in the day of Pentecost ...
    Read .

    Prayer for the assembly in the Eucharistic Prayer .
    Read the .

    And the picnic that followed was cheerful and friendly.

    Bravo and thank you all!

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    The Ignatian family in France

    Ignatian Family of course a national ...
    A small team was formed to coordinate communication between us and organize national proposals. It currently consists of

    Two events are now advertised

    • Monday 10 to Wednesday, May 13, 2010 - A meeting at Châtelard for those who give regularly the Exercises.
    • In 2012 (the date and venue to be confirmed) - A national meeting for the whole family Ignatian.

    An intranet related Notre Dame Web is in preparation.

    Sunday, June 7, 2009

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    Ignatian Family Home in Châtelard

    With the power of the Spirit, Jesus came one day meet the man of the time ...

    He came to meet Ignatius and was attended by himself, unified by successive key and turned to the service and the help of souls .

    He came to meet the first Companions ... as Companions of today, older brothers of the Ignatian family.
    Thank to father Jean-Jacques Guillemot , vice provincial of France from the Society of Jesus, to be among us, for we serve our local and regional borders are in fact , offered a way for us to open a mission ever wider, open to the more universal good. Thank also many Jesuits now present and also those that the rain has stopped en route. They are present in our celebration.

    He came to meet number of women, men, single, married, young children and encourage them to do community to discern God's life together, drink together in the Word of life, exploring together the paths of justice and life. Thank members of
    Christian Life Community (CVX), the
    Christian Movement Frames and business leaders (MCC)
    family Cor Unum ,
    of Eucharistic Youth Movement (JEM), the
    Chemin Neuf Community , which met in Paris last week to over 5000 for the European Rally for Unity ,
    of the secular institute Life and Faith ...

    Thanks to those who are not tied to a movement, but feed their faith in Ignatian spirituality and sometimes collaborate very closely together to reach a mission. Thank you to those of University Helping Hand (CPU) of
    routes Ignatian who celebrate their 20 years!
    the House of Catholic Students (CME), the
    Châtelard ,
    the Mass that takes its time (MT) of
    sappel which also celebrates its 20th anniversary!

    Thank those schools
    Jeanne Lestonnac ,
    Froment ,
    Trinidad Fenelon ,
    Centre St Mark .

    He came to meet women of all ages at any time, raising charisma colorful, diverse. Thank to Daughters of the Heart of Mary ;
    to religious Ignatian present today, to those who could not come as selected by age, illness or mission .
    to Auxiliary Priests ,
    to Auxiliatrices ,
    to Sisters of the Cenacle ,
    to Compagnie Marie Notre Dame ,
    to Hospitallers of Our Lady of Mercy ,
    the Sisters of St. Joseph Institute ,
    Missionaries to Our Lady of Sorrows
    and sisters to Our Lady of Chambriac,
    Our Lady of Labour ,
    to Oblate Heart of Jesus ,
    to Religious of the Sacred Heart ,
    to those the Holy Cross of Jerusalem ,
    sisters to Servant Jesus,
    of Charity of Nevers ,
    of Retirement ,
    of St. Andrew ,
    of St. Joseph of Lyon ,
    to Sisters of Christ ,
    to Ursuline CJA ,
    to Ursulines of the Roman Union .

    Thank to religious and religious training young professed scholastics and regents ... Thank you for novices present.

    He came to meet each in its diversity and turning it to the service: Thanks to all collaborators Châtelard ; the faithful of the house who prepared our feast espeace; Staff for a day: those of the SAF ( Training in Spiritual Accompaniment ), freshly trained in spiritual guidance and who agreed to take the place service to help us, thank you to those who will accompany the children during the mass ...

    Thanks to rain : without them the flowers would not grow!

    Thank God, our Father and thank you to the Spirit . Thank you to Beloved son which came one day's time we meet. Thank you to the Most Holy Trinity that we celebrate today: the one who welcomes us and we send today!

    Agnes Granier (Sister of St Andrew)

    Saturday, June 6, 2009

    Matching Colors For Olive

    The celebration continues


    The rain began to fall Châtelard and the weather is not favorable ...

    The Feast of the Ignatian Family has held
    but the program is changed.

    The afternoon will begin

    6:30 p.m.

    the Eucharist of the Trinity.

    We'll know
    among all members of the Family.

    The picnic barbecue will follow.
  • is always Châtelard ... You are always expected and welcome!
  • We rely on you to bring your game picnic (appetizer, dessert or beverage).
  • On arrival, you'll have all the necessary information!
  • For children, during the celebration they will be offered to them as an animation!
  • A while ago the joy of being reunited for the party!

    Friday, June 5, 2009

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    is the hardest rock that dull the purest water.
    This message was sent from a BlackBerry Bouygues Telecom

    Thursday, June 4, 2009

    Funny Wedding Invitation Saying


    I just returned from 12 days of pilgrimage in the footsteps of St. Paul: the Holy Land, Turkey, Greece, Italy. A large meeting

    whose teachings will rise to the surface in coming days, weeks, months ...

    This message was sent from a BlackBerry Bouygues Telecom

    Wednesday, May 20, 2009

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    The land by the sea

    I'm like a child learning to walk: I'm more focused on to maintain my balance with every step by my thoughts.

    Saturday, twelve days I'm going to accompany a group that made the pilgrimage in the footsteps of St. Paul Rodhe, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, EPHE to Athens, Rome. This will be my first steps in the Holy Land ...
    This message was sent from a BlackBerry Bouygues Telecom

    Monday, April 27, 2009

    Captain Morgan Seven Up

    The bridge has a name

    "Before me you opened a passage" (Psalm 30).

    I just realized that I crossed the bridge that is You: the path was clear I had no hunger, no thirst, I was struggling not. Because it was you.

    Pffff ... Is this qu'j'digère Niouzes!
    This message was sent from a BlackBerry Bouygues Telecom

    Sunday, April 26, 2009

    Red Flower 11 November

    Two landscapes, three messages

    News my way inside.

    I climbed a mountain in the rugged and lush vegetation. I could not see 5 meters to lead to a plateau at the sight immensely clear.

    I descend into a valley at the bottom of which I see a lake surrounded by woods, a haven of hope before continuing the road.

    - Take alternate routes daily rather than repeating the same habit and lack of imagination.
    - open up to the unexpected and do not anticipating telling me not: 'It will happen as ...". it's tough ...
    - The hello through the brothers. Certitude.

    Tuesday, April 14, 2009

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    Today, mass. Homecoming upsetting Mary Magdalene with her master and love that because it recognizes the call it by name.

    He called me by my first name. "Gilles," he said.

    For a few seconds, my chest was oppressed by the mark affixed his seal it in me with all his powerful sweetness.

    Here I am branded with his love. Blessed are you, my friend (s)!

    Here I am.