Sunday, June 28, 2009
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14 days ago, we met at the church meditate and pray for the Gospel of John, chap. 15 (I am the vine and you are the branches, abide in me and I in you, without me ye can do nothing ...)
I cut my garden twig of vine & # 233; decorate the altar, and illustrate the text.
Listening to the text, I turned my gaze to the spontaneously auteul and saw. I saw the twig with leaves beginning to wilt. I had a cut this branch hour and a half earlier and was already dying.
And I was overwhelmed by an immense pity for this shoot: I do not think he could die so quickly being separated from the vine. It was such a short time and he was already so badly.
Before that, I did not realize how the branch could not do without the vine. This is vital!
I confess, I cried, hiding a bit because I was in public.
For this shoot, it was me.
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009
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June 6, 2009 at Châtelard

The rain did not stop us ...
The discovery game, held on the set of Châtelard did not happen ... Too bad!
But after 18h, Family Igatienne found itself in a beautiful Eucharist Châtelard of the Trinity.
Ignatian Family Home by Agnes Granier:
With the power of the Spirit he came one day time will meet today man ...
Read .
Opening father J.-J. Guillemot,
vice-provincial of France. Read his speech .
Homily of Father Henri Aubert:
On this feast of the Trinity, we are gathered across from the Lyon region, as in the day of Pentecost ...
Read .
Prayer for the assembly in the Eucharistic Prayer .
Read the .
And the picnic that followed was cheerful and friendly.
Bravo and thank you all!
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Ignatian Family of course a national ...
A small team was formed to coordinate communication between us and organize national proposals. It currently consists of
- Michel Roger , coordinator (Society of Jesus, m.roger2 @ )
- Danielle Eon (Sister of Retreat, danielleeon @ wanadoo . en)
- Dominique Carreel (secular dominique.carreel @ )
- Dominique-Marie Sert (Sister of Christ )
- Ghislaine Pauquet (Sister of the Cenacle, ghislaine.pauquet @ )
- Regina Mayor (CLC er.maire @ )
Two events are now advertised
- Monday 10 to Wednesday, May 13, 2010 - A meeting at Châtelard for those who give regularly the Exercises.
- In 2012 (the date and venue to be confirmed) - A national meeting for the whole family Ignatian.
An intranet related Notre Dame Web is in preparation.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
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With the power of the Spirit, Jesus came one day meet the man of the time ...
He came to meet Ignatius and was attended by himself, unified by successive key and turned to the service and the help of souls .
He came to meet the first Companions ... as Companions of today, older brothers of the Ignatian family.
Thank to father Jean-Jacques Guillemot , vice provincial of France from the Society of Jesus, to be among us, for we serve our local and regional borders are in fact , offered a way for us to open a mission ever wider, open to the more universal good. Thank also many Jesuits now present and also those that the rain has stopped en route. They are present in our celebration.
He came to meet number of women, men, single, married, young children and encourage them to do community to discern God's life together, drink together in the Word of life, exploring together the paths of justice and life. Thank members of
Christian Life Community (CVX), the
Christian Movement Frames and business leaders (MCC)
family Cor Unum ,
of Eucharistic Youth Movement (JEM), the
Chemin Neuf Community , which met in Paris last week to over 5000 for the European Rally for Unity ,
of the secular institute Life and Faith ...
Thanks to those who are not tied to a movement, but feed their faith in Ignatian spirituality and sometimes collaborate very closely together to reach a mission. Thank you to those of University Helping Hand (CPU) of
routes Ignatian who celebrate their 20 years!
the House of Catholic Students (CME), the
Châtelard ,
the Mass that takes its time (MT) of
sappel which also celebrates its 20th anniversary!
Thank those schools
Jeanne Lestonnac ,
Froment ,
Trinidad Fenelon ,
Centre St Mark .
He came to meet women of all ages at any time, raising charisma colorful, diverse. Thank to Daughters of the Heart of Mary ;
to religious Ignatian present today, to those who could not come as selected by age, illness or mission .
to Auxiliary Priests ,
to Auxiliatrices ,
to Sisters of the Cenacle ,
to Compagnie Marie Notre Dame ,
to Hospitallers of Our Lady of Mercy ,
the Sisters of St. Joseph Institute ,
Missionaries to Our Lady of Sorrows
and sisters to Our Lady of Chambriac,
Our Lady of Labour ,
to Oblate Heart of Jesus ,
to Religious of the Sacred Heart ,
to those the Holy Cross of Jerusalem ,
sisters to Servant Jesus,
of Charity of Nevers ,
of Retirement ,
of St. Andrew ,
of St. Joseph of Lyon ,
to Sisters of Christ ,
to Ursuline CJA ,
to Ursulines of the Roman Union .
Thank to religious and religious training young professed scholastics and regents ... Thank you for novices present.
He came to meet each in its diversity and turning it to the service: Thanks to all collaborators Châtelard ; the faithful of the house who prepared our feast espeace; Staff for a day: those of the SAF ( Training in Spiritual Accompaniment ), freshly trained in spiritual guidance and who agreed to take the place service to help us, thank you to those who will accompany the children during the mass ...
Thanks to rain : without them the flowers would not grow!
Thank God, our Father and thank you to the Spirit . Thank you to Beloved son which came one day's time we meet. Thank you to the Most Holy Trinity that we celebrate today: the one who welcomes us and we send today!
Agnes Granier (Sister of St Andrew)
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Matching Colors For Olive
The rain began to fall Châtelard and the weather is not favorable ...
The Feast of the Ignatian Family has held
but the program is changed.
The afternoon will begin
6:30 p.m.
the Eucharist of the Trinity.
We'll know
A while ago the joy of being reunited for the party!
Friday, June 5, 2009
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is the hardest rock that dull the purest water.
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Thursday, June 4, 2009
Funny Wedding Invitation Saying
I just returned from 12 days of pilgrimage in the footsteps of St. Paul: the Holy Land, Turkey, Greece, Italy. A large meeting
whose teachings will rise to the surface in coming days, weeks, months ...
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