GOD in my life:
- The discover
- The join
- live with him full humanity.
For more information, you are invited to participate in
two meetings have
On Lyon: Monday, September 14 at 18:30
Jesuit Community - 20 Sala Street
69002 LYON (Metro: Bellecour or Ampere)
Contact: Jesuit Community
20 rue Sala 69002 LYON
Henri AUBERT - 04 72 77 September 1
Show the leaflet Lyon
On Ste Foy: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 20:30
parish halls of Planit
16 rue Ste Foy
Contact: V. and Y. CADIOU - 06-70-29-11-30
C. and D. Frizot : 04-72-16-01-50
Show the leaflet Ste Foy
This is originates in the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556).
Convert to a life of adventure in 30 years, Ignatius is a man of God and man of action: he founded the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits).
A part of his experience, he wrote the Spiritual Exercises that are based on the life of Jesus and reveal God in everyday life.
He writes: "Walking, walking, running ... are physical exercises. Pray, meditate, contemplate ... are religious exercises. "
Routes Ignatian propose a practical approach, practical, graduated which allows everyone to discover:
how God is present and active in their daily lives
how the Word of God becomes alive and embodied in his life.
"Finding God in all things! "
An Itinerary
- Intended for lay people of all ages.
- Waymarked by sharing time, teaching, prayer and spiritual exercises.
- Lived with a team that has experienced this route: priests, religious and laity.
Itinerary runs in 12 games for 1H30.
In Lyon
Meetings are held 4 rue St François de Sales, Lyon Bellecour Metro second
Three schedules are possible:
Monday 18:30 2h (first meeting October 5, 2009)
Monday from 8:15 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. (first meeting October 5, 2009)
Thursday from 2:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. (first meeting October 8, 2009)
A Ste Foy
Meetings are held in church halls of Planit 16 rue Ste Foy
A second year of deepening is proposed under the same provisions schedules.