I was quiet this morning. I looked casually young Japanese schoolgirls breasts too large to reveal their virgin body hair, before working with a mustachioed plumber, helped by a goat and a mutant octopus out of hell to destroy virginity. Not the thing, the very concept of virginity. Life was peaceful on the whole.
However, it was otherwise. My phone was agitated, releasing an air of metal containing music from a Tim Burton film, reminding me how I should change ringing nimbly. I resolved to turn off my screen, and win. At the end of the line, Temptation, which seemed not recovered from our last night "Alcohol and GHB" I whispered weakly that there was a huge must-see film, and if I ratais, I'm the spoiler end that I would suffer martyrdom, until dying in my vomit in December 2012, but before the end of the world, because there should not messing around either.
This film, as you all know, he did his little hype, we sing the praise, he was hoisted above all the masterpieces of cinematic pretext that the end ... Do not start by the end. Anyway, I say I will not start at the end, only I'll spoiler, and in addition you have already seen, because everyone saw it. Yes, even the blind, deaf, dumb, maimed, dead-seropositive and bowls of Antarctica saw. It underestimates the ratings that are too minority of Antarctica.
Where was I before you interrupt me? Ah yes. So I had to see this "famous movie". So I grabbed my leather jacket studded bad days, before going to land some old and others kékés or emos, to significantly reduce my waiting time, and for good Because it was still fun. I could therefore have in hand what maaaaagnifique ticket, which made me spend so much money unnecessarily, weeping and advance this frivolous expenditure (come on, do not add any, I was expecting a nice film, I naive can be) and proudly displaying INCEPTION, ROOM 1.
A cross between The Day After Tomorrow and Batman: The Dark Knight?
Yes, Inception is a room, that's when the film is that everyone is talking about, it was the best room.
End pubs, movie starts. Di Caprio, straight out of Titanic, stranded Finally, on a beach. He drifted long. Unfortunately for the poor man, no beautiful girl topless for sustenance, only Asian soldiers who jabber phrases in their native dialect, incomprehensible. What
go crazy, what an idea at last! We start the film on an unknown language. Then I tore my ticket in frustration, and realized that the passage Di Caprio liked being tempered in his films.
violent transition, and we here at the end of the film. The router touuuurne, touuuuurne and then shaky, then perhaps have to, then perhaps have not oulala that choose (note that router is a feminine term, and takes 10 hours to make a choice, finish with it what you want), oulala. Waited too long, the generic launches without asking anyone, thus interrupting the suspense that was sweating all the men of the room squealing and all women.
2:30 to finish on the''maybe.'' That's really damn cool! Want buzzer make fuss children? Simple: just create a movie with: guns, guys who refuse to see the psychiatrist so that the mission depends on their mental health, special effects, parallel realities, and a final cut too early to know whether the movie ends well or not. Or rather, not knowing if the film is finished.
I give you a live example: Ashk burglar is in virtual 2089. It penetrates the virtual architectures, which are completely artificial worlds, and to pump information such as a small hack. Yes, that's how we pirate in the future, what do you want. The best thing is that Ashk be embodied by a pure star, say ... Nicolas Cage would like. You should know that architecture is really a virtual world created by the wish of the man who invented it.
One day, he is given a mission: he must share two pieces of information, while making a copy to hand his employer. However, two pieces of information exchange is impossible. Impossible? No. He has already done. But on a smaller scale. The value of an exchange? Allow the collapse of two architectures at once. Because yes, when inserting false information, architecture collapses. The pay is simply the loss incurred in the prosecution against him, which he will finally return home, find her sister with cancer. The guy not even knowing if it is still alive.
He decided to create an architecture that will be linked to both architecture and loot the two information before re- place. Once he has had in hand, he will of course have made a copy of self-plundering.
Then he leaves his home to gather a team to build the architecture, but he gets shot! Fortunately, after dodging bullets and 26,000 accrued on the walls, he can return safely.
But then, we learn that in fact every time he built an architecture, it is taken from an irrepressible need to complicate it up, so you may get lost, to secure it. Of course, everyone would balance is not that bad.
mission begins, he enters the first architecture, but people are waiting. They are there to protect the architecture. ProtectBots call them. Who cares, he and his team breaches the cladding of virtual weapons, fight, and at the same time, find the place where hidden information. But a copy must remain there for the right time.
the others are sent from this architecture to another, and vanishing in this architecture. When you change your architecture, it was a virtual who stays there. To add to the danger.
Same thing, fighting, and all the special effects imaginable.
From there, you go into the architecture of our hero. Ashk is mentally deficient, however, and its architecture is a very complicated maze, populated by a lot of ProtectBots. Moreover, he found there alone. Via some unresolved and some turning situations (appearance of his sister that the guide, why not), we finally found the place for receipt of copies.
It receives synchronous, they plundered.
Then you wake up in an architecture using a keyword that is "reality, there leaves the information, and allowed to explode all the architecture changing architecture. The same is done in the next. Each time, the architecture in question explodes and the alarm must be all that is more energetic, not to die. Because if you die, you are stuck in a virtual nothingness.
last scene, our Ashk enters the hospital, and does not find his sister. He learns that his beloved sister is healed! What a miracle! What joy! He can not go and enjoy, and change pants. This hacker is therefore included in his power, bursts through the door without wanting to, so there is more, then took a doubt, looking at his sister, and especially his employer who is there, and welcome.
Before this stress, he says "reality", close your eyes, open them again, and ... Generic.
Was it in reality? We do not know! Hahaha! What a great movie! Just add enough to disturb the audience ratings with a lot of double-meaning phrases, and it is there.
Now that I'm letting off steam, at least acknowledge qu'Inception is not the first film to leave us in doubt, far from it. Take the example of Existenz: The last sentence is "we're still in the game? . In Vanilla Sky, it "opens eyes". No, this gentleman is really a genius, because it sends in dreams realistic as possible.
Ah yes, here's another interesting thing : Realistic dreams. I do not mind, it is easier to manage. However, I think I heard the beginning to the end of the movie you would not understand the alarm before it was illogical elements. So why do they head? Why is it sets too boring? Finally, it is a choice, accept.
Dream or reality? Trollons!
For those who ask the question: the router does not stop. But it does not continue. What? What am I doing? Of quantum physics? No, no, calm down, clumsy and impressionable minds. I just tells you that the goal is to make you speak, so there is no response.
However, if one looks, one can observe that the router fails and slows instead of remaining straight as usual, that children are not the same actors (in the credits, it says), and alliance that appears in the dreams is not on hand for Di Caprio. Make it what you want.
My conclusion is that this film is an Avatar 2: noisy, not so much as that. Ok, it's pretty, it makes you think, but then to classify it (as some have reported to me that this had been done) 3rd Film history of cinema, I find it completely unfair. Beside Inception, there are a number of films that are worth much more instantly. It is classified as a marvel of film just because of the noise created by his non-finish. In the end, without the Internet, this film would not have been so successful, because there would not have all these debates readable by all, that grow in maximum fuss. And I myself come to make my contribution to this mess media, so I'll shut up without stressing the inconsistencies and other things in making a film that allows itself to look, and nothing more.
I rekindled so, before you greet my screen on which Japanese women did not wait for me to invite a carnivorous plant to their small-school celebration.
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