Previously, a computer was seen as a waste pile, as a useless and repulsive that was reminiscent of a certain hunchback of some cathedral.
Fortunately for us, it's been years that the trend has reversed. Indeed, now, do not be a geek means being has-beens, overwhelmed by the technology that surrounds us. For indeed, who can not live a day in front of a black screen is unworthy of love of humanity.
The stereotype is farthest from reality in the world?
It took one day, the term geek is born to unite lovers of computer technology (the most common meaning). People who know a lot about how these machines called computers, code, using software that nobody knows and can do what no one knows how.
Fortunately, I said earlier (as we see it if you follow)? No! Therefore, as the plague descends on the Earth or Shakira singing Waka Waka on the radio, the men decided it was time to make a kind of geeks than the rest of humanity. Speaking of movies hacks, series in which the pirates and their keyboards who break the beep NASA safety by ctrl + alt + del on a PDA, comics, and even a geek like selling the issue of race in singer without thinking.
"Singeons! "Exclaims the little while Kevin lambda! "So the class to be a fan of the computer! Whether to enter the databases of the FBI ... "to find what, in fact ? "... And put out of service the site of the CIA! Send viruses to all his friends, find passwords Skyblogs, and even an account HACKER Dofus! "Except that
? Except that it's hard. After two trials, our little Kevin leaves. While the company will make - yet it always his fault really, the Communists have his skin, dead to society -? Well she decided that we will summarize: we must love Role Playing, Star Wars, and spending time at a computer. Oh, and if you have a blog, too, is the class. Skyblog even with a basic theme, it does not matter.
Morpeug The phenomenon, the pirate and his cheback, but happiness in 10
command prompts open at once to enter a computer through a server.
of two things: be a geek does not mean simply being able to spend hours in front of a computer. Thus, a remnant of human obese pimply, greasy-haired, softly waving his chubby fingers on the mouse to World Of Warcraft all day long keeping well treasured his virginity at the top of his 37 years did nothing a geek. This is what called a gamer, a no-life, an autistic, a non-friends, a foul taste, missed abortion, a joke of God ... In short, anything but a geek.
A geek is an individual computer enthusiast. It seeks to exploit these machines, understand, manipulate them to perfection. It informs, teaches, tries, code, creates, he is not content to use already, it attempts to bring his touch to the computer world ... Or maybe I'm exaggerating. Say it is a passion for computers, no video games.
So I ask that we think of those who are insulted when little geek chick claims to be because he spends time on a video game, and he saw Star Wars 3 VF in four times. I ask that we think of those who cry when the so-called "geeks" talk to "install Linux on a Windows, which is impossible because their PC is a Mac."
I think of all those who suffered in France watching TV chaining "I-Phone Windows 7", the "Meuporgs," the "Morpeugs," the "Cheback" and other "I landed on her desk after having spent their server.
Please, you humans who have nothing geek, just use MSN and Microsoft Office Suite in silence and try to imitate a geek to understand it as a blonde silly and unnecessary. And as writers, do not speak (and do not show, for that matter) if no one is hacking at the side to hold your hand.
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