blood left once more in my face. Much fun it was when it was me who chose to apply this kind of award to those who deserved it as much the fact that it is 3D on the big screen made me feel a deep malaise. Not because of disgust that this could grow to feel the poverty at the core of the flower or the dark room that could simulate a scary atmosphere, but because this movie was just boring and bad wishes.
After 20 minutes of people sliced into pieces and other cries and grubbing of skin, I put my jacket, got up lazily in a sigh, and returned the glasses "3D" in my pocket. When I opened the door under the gaze murderer who did not dare do so for fear of seeming ridiculous, I met the gaze of the theater employees.
Wait, it's "Saw 3D" or "The Iron Giant"?! They were on acid?
The young cashier looked at me in mocking smile, and I realized she directly insulted me, considering those who vomit before the horror movies. With a clearer view of boredom, so I gave him my explanation:
"This movie is bad. "
A man, probably his superior, was also present. He turned to me:
"- Ah, the public seems to enjoy.
- Well is that the public is stupid. "
It did not seem to understand, and he asked me what I went to see. I told him then, a little ashamed because after all, I knew this film would not be worth much, it was almost written on the poster, that I Saw 3D viewer. His eyes suddenly seemed to light up. He realized that, like many, I was a sensitive soul who had no idea what to expect when entering the room. We can not escape a movie because it bothers us?
"- You did not see the other?
- If, 6. I liked a lot, but it, hold it, is worthless. "
And proud of my reply, I turned on his heel and left the confines of the cinema.
It is difficult to understand why people love bad movies. More Saw has worsened, more people have accumulated in the rooms. And more 3D allows bad movies seem correct, more people are watching.
To give a concrete example, the first Saw includes, in its entirety, 2 people killed by the traps, and some bullets. Saw the last in 20 minutes, 8 dead before me in chains. If I wanted to see what kind free hemoglobin, I'd rather see my butcher.
And as the number of deaths has increased in the saga over the quality of films has deteriorated, each worse than the previous one, and still counting more ignominy and corpses.

"If you can not do it right, do it in 3D", the first course
first year of American cinema.
I try to imagine what happened from the creators of this film, which changes constantly director:
"- Hey! I will resume Saw!
- Oh? You'll make a settlement even more special?
- No, I will put even more lives!
- But, Saw, it was above all a brilliant killer who stabs us in a final surprise stripper!
- No, I want blood, corpses, sadism, injustice, and to believe that this is a Saw, I'll stall two crappy flashbacks at the end.
- And you honestly believe that people will swallow without understanding?
- just put everything in 3D! "
The following is a series of Machiavellian laughter.
3D is an evil that makes the film buff an animal in danger of extinction, because of any private pleasure. The 3D is mostly in its infancy, Avatar, is to say how much it is worth nothing, followed closely by Clash of the Titans. Now he will live for love and Arthouse to find his account. I wonder what state would the Lumiere brothers to this horror.
It is clear that when one wants to believe that a film is good, basically, you put pairs of breasts and buttocks, so that all gorillas dressed as homo sapiens can scream like pigs at jam. But now exit the sex, who shocked Catholics. Instead, we prefer to put 3D. It gives a headache, and ultimately, we do not realize what we are doing, when one accepts this adventure. A bit like a baked good in the end.
Soon, the films feel that cocaine history we avoid making that 3D is used only to cover all forms of poverty screenwriting.
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