Monday, June 28, 2010

Equities Derivatives Interview

Small, small, small

I found a book that describes a formulation accurately what I felt that by going to the Holy Land: "The smallness of the Jesus of history"

"We discovered, almost painfully, the smallness of the historical Jesus. God incarnate, and yet everything seems ridiculously small, insignificant: a small corner of the world, lost in a lake, surrounded by small villages, this was more like outposts, there remains virtually nothing, few people follow a man ... When you're

on site, one can not mistake, the mystery of the incarnation of God, takes us by the throat, leaving us further imagine the omnipotence of God as men in major events and the crash; nor so surreal magic wand with a God who acts in spite of ourselves in our history! Everything is too real, embodied, small and insignificant "(nonviolent Jesus, and Anne Benoît Thiran-Guibert, eds. Fidélité)

There. There, I was caught in the throat by the smallness and insignificance the One in whom I believe.

After such a revelation, difficult to continue believing as before.

I strive to follow the Nazarene on its dusty roads and harmless, he transforms his presence.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Difference Between Yellow Bars And Green Bars

On the road again

Vision by listening to the Church of St Gervais St. Protais the magnificent oratorio Pilgrim.

Me, hair disheveled, his face scratched and dirty, bloated by the sun.

In my journey through the desert, j'me realize I morfle more than I imagined.

But I know I'm on the right road and I'm not alone.

When I throw a look round and found the desolate landscape, I am seized by a wave of vertigo. Jeez, what am I doing this?

And I take the road.