Monday, December 15, 2008

Patricia Master Batesblog

Let's read Psalm 85, Esther 3 and 4, Apocalypse 13

"Lord, make us see your kindness,
And grant us your salvation !
The LORD also will bring happiness,
and our land will yield its products. "
Psalm 85: 8, 13

- What's return captivity is a sign it (Psalm 85: 2-4)? What signs have we received God's forgiveness, what is the psalmist's concern for the future of the people (vs. 7-9)? Do we want see also the benevolence of God in our lives? "Happiness is not an illusion that man makes, but it is a grace, vs 13" He who does not open to this grace misses of life.
- Haman seeks Why does the loss of the Jewish people, what are the roots of the problem (Est. 3)? What do you think the attitude of Mordecai (vs. 5)? How did God's hand in the spell cast by this genocidal (vs. 7, 13)? What was the reaction of the Jews (Est. 4)? Mordecai how he makes his request to Esther? What is his response (vs. 16)?
- The beast mentioned in Apocalypse 13: 1-8 is the Antichrist. What does it look like the dragon (Satan, ch. 12: 3, 17)? What are its characteristics? His followers, who do not follow? His reign is limited in time: 42 months = 3 1 / 2 years. From verse 11, another animal comes into play. What is his power (vs. 13 to 17)? And its purpose (vs. 12)?

Singin 'Yes goodness and mercy shall follow me "(JEM 77)

Pray for Hungary :

10 million capital, Budapest, an area of 3 times Belgium. Religions: Catholic 60%, 22% Protestant, 9% of Christians without a Church affililiation, 0.5% sects, 7% no religion, 0.8% Jews.

- Praise the Lord for the peaceful transition from communism to parliamentary democracy in 1990, religious freedom and economic improvement since 1998.
- The Protestant churches have been affected by revivals in 1939 and 1946 to 1950 who prepared providentially persecution under communism. In the Reformed Church is a Bible Union and an alumni association to encourage lay ministry. In the Catholic Church is an important charismatic movement, as in the Baptist community. Pray for the Historic Churches: their loyalty to the Word of God, the awakening of every Christian.
- Pray for a better understanding between churches historical and recent: mutual respect, a provision common to serve the Lord.
- Praise the Lord that the 4 theological faculties under Communism closed were reopened. Other Bible schools were opened. Thousands of young people studying theology. Pray that God calls and trains new servants in fear of his name and in faithfulness to His Word.
- Pray for the ministry among young people who are very receptive to the Gospel. There are hundreds of Christian schools in the country: that the Gospel will be sent to schoolchildren. Pray for the grace of God on every teacher, whether they are true witnesses in word and deed. Big conventions attract thousands of people young and university ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ and the GBU is Florise.
- Pray for the Jewish people before the Holocaust were 800,000, currently more than 80,000. Among them, many have believed in Jesus as Messiah Messianic Synagogues ago. Pray for reconciliation between Christians and Jews.
- Pray for the evangelization of Roma, refugees from the former Yugoslavia, Christians name in many parts. Pray for the many radio programs, for the film Jesus which is one of the best-selling videos, for the distribution of Bibles by the Bible Society Hongare.
- We pray for the vocation and formation of new evangelists and missionaries: Hungary has sent 122 missionaries, including some abroad.


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