Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wikipedia Brazlian Wax

The time

... follows The night elves of Fetjaine. And again, my feeling is mixed. Remember the last volume? It was a bit helter-skelter but humans seem to win. Well, it was not. For wanting to rob everyone, we are left alone to face the monsters. What monsters? Yes, yes, they did not show a toe before but they were there, waiting for the right moment to attack and the gathering of the four talismans (already, just this sudden appearance, it surprised me, but either ). Talismans, I said, are the sword of Dwarf owned by men, the famous Excalibur, the spear of Lug for monsters, the stone of Fal for men and the Cauldron of Dagda for elves. But if it is in the prologue it all, do a little attention. Nevertheless, the monsters, it was a little big novel of the ellipse. Well bin there they are!
And finally these monsters are not very different from men than we have seen act before. Here the question will be: How to avoid the annihilation of humanity?
Again, Uter will have to be heard. But we feel here almost a disillusioned old. And Lliane? She hesitates to meddle in a world that no longer hers.
Ultimate book of the trilogy, it seemed a little quick on the outcome of combat and tough situations. Then, of course, the simplicity of the writing is always so nice Fetjaine, although here the feelings are more present, but that's definitely not all.
Basically, a disappointment that this trilogy j was expecting a lot. Although I struggled to chain between the first and second volume, I was swept away later. But not enough.


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