Friday, February 25, 2011

Viking Longboat Template

absolutely-bor-dee or the paradox of the official

As I passed the contest, mom gave me this book as a wink, relaxation or warning . I plunged with joy in these pages full of humor and derision. Really, Zoe Shepard described the many human behaviors that I witnessed ... And alas, not the mayor of our narrator. I do not know if what she described in terms of unnecessary files, lack of work to do and cronyism is specific to the French administration, but it can also be found in some large boxes.
But look a little closer to what's the question: nepotism, the son of thing is perhaps the last of idiots, he is 'son of' and it has the right to be chief.
Sloth: Hourly ultra light, crossword puzzles at work, absenteeism and coffee breaks every 30 minutes.
Want: take the place of machine which has a more beautiful blackberry. But it is for those who still have cravings.
And it goes on meetingitis acute aborted projects etc..
Hard to keep morale before that!
So yes, I understand that the book should debate, it's been a little stir and feel all the officials concerned. Necessarily. But remember that this book is primarily a short novel, not a bomb. So when I see that the proportions can make these kinds of publications, I am shocked. There are nicks everywhere, just do not turn it charged and try to keep the famous 'duty of confidentiality'. Anyway, the day I understand how our walking country and its people ...
For me, it's still a fun read, not a chicken plastered on the doors of government French. And then to see officials take days 10h, 12h even, I can assure you that this is not la dolce vita for everybody ...


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