Thursday, January 1, 2009 Wednesday, December 31
Let's read : Psalm 97, Genesis 1 and 2, Matthew 1
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
How To Tie An Amy Winehouse Headscarf
Let's read Psalm 96, Malachi 3 (and 4 according to the numbering)
"Behold, I will send my messenger;
It will open the way before Me.
And suddenly come to his temple the Lord whom ye seek
And the messenger of the covenant that you desire,
here it comes,
saith the LORD of hosts. "
Evil. 3: 1
- To which the Lord invites us there (Ps. 96: 1, 7-8)? Who are invited (vs. 1b)? What we proclaim in song (vs. 2-3)? The author tells how he majesty of God (vs. 4 es.)? Sing God wholeheartedly, with hymns like recent past with praise, songs of revival and rediscovery of worship as new! By discovering the author and the circumstances in which the songs were written they can take on a new meaning for us, eg "Amazing Grace" by John Newton.
- Who will send the Lord God (Mal. 3: 1, 23), who is it (cf. Luke 1: 15 to 17 and Mal 3: 24, Mat. 11: 10 - 14). Before whom the messenger he opens a path (Mal. 3: 1), what does it mean for Jesus Christ (cf. Mt 11: 10, John 1: 23)? What is the messenger of the covenant (vs. 3), how Jesus is the fulfillment (1 John 1: 7-9, Mat. 3: 11)? What is the specific sign of the new covenant (Luke 22: 19 - 20)? What we call launches the Lord (vs. 7)? What are the consequences of giving a tithe (vs. 10 to 12)? How do we see again the difference between the righteous and the wicked (vs. 15, 16 - 21)?
Singin 'Our Father which art in heaven "(FAC 182)
Pray for the Netherlands :

- The Netherlands has a glorious history as a Christian nation, but became a secular country with a reputation of a great ethical liberalism. In Europe, Holland has been often been first in the liberalization of drugs, abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage.
- Country formerly marked by the Reformation, the Catholic Church has yet become greater than all the Protestant churches together. When the Catholic Church has lost only a few percent of these members, the Protestant churches which accounted 60% of the population by 1900 none had more than 21% in 2000! Liberal theology has had a devastating influence. Yet even in the traditional Reformed churches, there are quite a number of pastors and Communities "reformed" in the historical sense of the word or evangelical tendency. Pray for the return and fidelity to the Word of God, for messengers carried by the grace of God for the salvation of souls.
- Pray that God will raise a new generation of messengers faithful to His Word and filled with the Holy Spirit.
- Pray for evangelism: almost half the population is unrelated to a Christian church. Pray the testimony of parents to their children to become disciples of Jesus Christ for evangelism among youth and university students in the streets and in coffee bars and others to reach those who are under the influence of drugs .
- Pray for the ministry of Youth for Christ has a ministry notable among the young.
- Pray for evangelism among ethnic minorities in Ghana, Suriname, Caribbean, Indonesian, Moroccan, Turkish, Iranian, Afghan, ...
- The missionary vision is great, the Netherlands currently have 1500 missionaries sent many of which are active in humanitarian assistance and translation of the Bible. Pray that a new generation of youth who rises soiet ready to leave his comfort and to give his life for Jesus. For many the cost of consecration is too big. Pray that young people find Jesus in their lives to the cause for which they are ready to die.
- Pray for new donors: many of the older generation gave the tithe faithfully, but when they die, they are not replaced. Pray that young Christians give wholeheartedly and with discernment.
- Pray for the issuance of the Evangelische Omroep, which transmits 18 hours of television and 60 hours on national radio. These programs have touched many listeners. Pray for faithfulness to the Scriptures, to work on.

How To Raise Pokemon Levels Fast
Let's Read: Psalm 95 Malachi 1 and 2
"For from the rising of the sun to its setting,
My Name is great among the nations.
Anywhere they burn incense in honor of my name And
it provides a pure offering;
For great is My name among nations,
says the LORD of hosts. "
Malachi 1: 11
- Why would the psalmist invites us he was celebrating the Lord (Psalm 95)? We invited there to praise Him alone? Who can harden in the life (vs. 7b are.)? Today is another day of His grace!
- What's wrong with priests Malachi (Malachi 1: 6 th., 12 - 14)? Illustration of what he uses to highlight the lack of respect for the Lord (vs. 8)? Yet the Word of God made its way among the nations (vs. 11)!
- What other reproaches the Lord made it to the priests (3: 1, 8)? And what He criticizes the people (vs. 11, 13, 14 to 15, 17)? Observe that the Old Testament ends by highlighting the spiritual foundation of love and fidelity within marriage.
Sing: "From sunrise to sunset, bless (JEM 236)
Pray for the islands of Guam, Johnson, Midway and Wake :
"For from the rising of the sun to its setting,
My Name is great among the nations.
Anywhere they burn incense in honor of my name And
it provides a pure offering;
For great is My name among nations,
says the LORD of hosts. "
Malachi 1: 11
- Why would the psalmist invites us he was celebrating the Lord (Psalm 95)? We invited there to praise Him alone? Who can harden in the life (vs. 7b are.)? Today is another day of His grace!
- What's wrong with priests Malachi (Malachi 1: 6 th., 12 - 14)? Illustration of what he uses to highlight the lack of respect for the Lord (vs. 8)? Yet the Word of God made its way among the nations (vs. 11)!
- What other reproaches the Lord made it to the priests (3: 1, 8)? And what He criticizes the people (vs. 11, 13, 14 to 15, 17)? Observe that the Old Testament ends by highlighting the spiritual foundation of love and fidelity within marriage.
Sing: "From sunrise to sunset, bless (JEM 236)
Pray for the islands of Guam, Johnson, Midway and Wake :

Island Johnson has 1700 inhabitants, only 13 Midway and Wake Island 300.
- Pray for the Chamorro people, mostly Catholic. With the influence of American culture they are confused about their culture. Pray for the emergence of a true Christian and Chamorro culture.
- The Protestant churches are multicultural. The 6 churches founded by the Presbyterians have Koreen remarkably influential. There are also churches among the different ethnic groups in Micronesia. Pray for revival of Micronesian peoples who have a Christian background, with no firm commitment.
- The Chaplain of the prison of Guam has an excellent ministry to prisoners, but also with the various churches: it seeks to promote unity among Christians of all stripes. Pray for the chaplains and Christian unity.
- Pray for Christian radio. Trans World Radio and High Adventure Ministries have powerful transmitters which transmit programs to Central Asia and Siberia. TWR 264 transmits hours of programming each week in 21 languages, 80% to China. It also transmits in 6 languages of Guam and the Marianas Islands. Pray for all missionaries who are involved in this ministry.
- Pray for evangelism on the island, especially among youth.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Natural Breast Milani
Tuesday, December 30 Monday, Dec. 29 Sunday, December 28
Let's read Psalm 94, Nehemiah 13, Apocalypse 22
"For the LORD shall not release his people
He does not abandon his heritage;
For the judging will be justice,
and all those whose hearts are right rally around him. "
Psalm 94: 14 to 15
- What characterizes the" arrogant "(Ps. 94)? By what means the believer is Does peace in the days of misfortune (vs. 12 to 13) How the Lord takes care of it's people (vs. 12 th.)?
- Eliachab, the high priest, was an unstable man: at the time he took the lead in rebuilding the walls, both he compromises with the enemies of Jerusalem: Tobii (Nehemiah 13: 7) and Sanballat (vs. 28), cf. Chapter 2: 10, 4: 1, ... After 12 years in Jerusalem, Nehemiah went back to King Artaxerxes. This allows him to return again to the city of his fathers: what abnormal situations he finds? How does it take to fix? God used a man to fix all the people! What was his support (vs. 1)? The Lord will use you too when your faith and your actions are firmly rooted in the Word of God!
- What are the qualities of the river coming out of the throne of God and the Lamb (Revelation 22: 1-2)? Remark that God and the Lamb is clearly distict (confirmed by the Greek), yet he speaks of "his" servants (not "their") who see "his" face (not "their") and they are "his" name (not "their") on their foreheads (vs. 3-4). Notice also that it is Jesus who said: "I am the Alpha and the Omega ..." (Vs. 13), word yet attributed to God Almighty (Revelation 1: 8)! Thus, this final chapter of the Bible mark of respect the glorious divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The last prayer, "Amen Come Lord Jesus!" (Addressed to Jesus, yet another proof of his divinity), it is also ours (cf. vs. 17)?
Singing "Jesus Christ is Lord, He rose from the grave He is Lord "(JEM 281 + three verses!)
Pray Micronesia :
2000 small islands of which only a hundred are inhabited in the Pacific Ocean, east of the Philippines and north of Papua. Total area: 1,950 sq km, in a vast region of 7 million square kilometers of ocean.
1) The Federated States of Micronesia . More than 600 coral islands in 4 major groups: Chuuk, Pohnpei, Yap and Kosrae. Population: 140,000 Capital: Palak. Religions : 48% Roman Catholic, 45% of Protestants, Mormons 2.5%, 4% unaffiliated church.
- Pray for revival of churches, many Christians are only in name. Animistic vision of the world is casting for many people. Pray for a good, solid teaching of the Word of God.
- Pray for Bible translation in several languages and that people begin to study the Scriptures.
2) Marshall Islands . 1156 small islands, 83,000 inhabitants, 181 km ². Capital: Dalap-Uliga-Darrit on the island of Majuro. Religions : 79% Protestant, 8% of independent churches, 6% Roman Catholic, 6.5% of Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, Baha's 2%, 1% animist, 2% no religion.
- The story was dramatic occupation during the war and U.S. nuclear tests have consequences as alcoholism, sexual promiscuity, suicide, feelings of insecurity and rebellion, genetic disorders due to radiation Nuclear. Ask that God gives a lot of wisdom to those who govern the country.
- Pray for the churches: they are faithful to the Word of God, are constantly transformed by the power of Christ and positively influence society.
- Pray for God's true servants who run the churches. Pray for the training of future pastors in the Theological College and Calvary Bible Institute.
3) Islands Northern Marianas . 14 volcanic islands north of Guam, with 125,000 inhabitants, an area of 477 sq. km. Religions: Catholic 79%, 15.3% Protestant, 1.3% of sects, 7% Buddhist, 2% no religion.
- The majority of people, including Chamorro natives call themselves Catholics but many never go to church. In reality they are rather animists. Pray that the Gospel shines among them. Some communities have begun Baptist and Pentecostal ministry among them.
- Many Asians have settled on these islands. Among them many Christians who seek to gain their countrymen. Many Asians (mostly Japanese and Chinese) remain culturally separate from other people. Pray they will be touched by the Gospel and the churches build bridges between communities.
- More than one million Japanese tourists visit the islands each year to worship at Buddhist temples or Shinto. Pray they will be touched by Jesus Christ!
- Pray for finishing the translation of the New Testament in Chamorro and translation in two other languages.
- Pray also for Christian programs transmitted by radio FEBC (in 5 languages of the islands).
4) The Republic of Palau . 16 islands inhabited by 23,000 people, capital, Koror, an area of 488 sq. km. Religions: Catholic 46%, 30% Protestant, 2% of independent churches, sects 12%, 5% unaffiliated Specifically, 2% Buddhist, Baha'i 1%, 2% no religion.
- Many Christians are only in name. The Catholics are mostly of Filipino origin. The ancient animistic religion of the followers returned. Yet there are signs of spiritual awakening: Please!
- The Modekngei is a unique religion in Palau: a mixture of Christianity and magic. His followers are mostly older. There are also some Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. Pray for those who seek God, let them come to Christ in the Bible and be born again.
-Pray for YWAM, which has a base Palau. They seek to stimulate domestic missionary vision and 6 are committed elsewhere.
- Pray for the radio transmission.
Let's read Psalm 94, Nehemiah 13, Apocalypse 22
"For the LORD shall not release his people
He does not abandon his heritage;
For the judging will be justice,
and all those whose hearts are right rally around him. "
Psalm 94: 14 to 15
- What characterizes the" arrogant "(Ps. 94)? By what means the believer is Does peace in the days of misfortune (vs. 12 to 13) How the Lord takes care of it's people (vs. 12 th.)?
- Eliachab, the high priest, was an unstable man: at the time he took the lead in rebuilding the walls, both he compromises with the enemies of Jerusalem: Tobii (Nehemiah 13: 7) and Sanballat (vs. 28), cf. Chapter 2: 10, 4: 1, ... After 12 years in Jerusalem, Nehemiah went back to King Artaxerxes. This allows him to return again to the city of his fathers: what abnormal situations he finds? How does it take to fix? God used a man to fix all the people! What was his support (vs. 1)? The Lord will use you too when your faith and your actions are firmly rooted in the Word of God!
- What are the qualities of the river coming out of the throne of God and the Lamb (Revelation 22: 1-2)? Remark that God and the Lamb is clearly distict (confirmed by the Greek), yet he speaks of "his" servants (not "their") who see "his" face (not "their") and they are "his" name (not "their") on their foreheads (vs. 3-4). Notice also that it is Jesus who said: "I am the Alpha and the Omega ..." (Vs. 13), word yet attributed to God Almighty (Revelation 1: 8)! Thus, this final chapter of the Bible mark of respect the glorious divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The last prayer, "Amen Come Lord Jesus!" (Addressed to Jesus, yet another proof of his divinity), it is also ours (cf. vs. 17)?
Singing "Jesus Christ is Lord, He rose from the grave He is Lord "(JEM 281 + three verses!)
Pray Micronesia :
2000 small islands of which only a hundred are inhabited in the Pacific Ocean, east of the Philippines and north of Papua. Total area: 1,950 sq km, in a vast region of 7 million square kilometers of ocean.
1) The Federated States of Micronesia . More than 600 coral islands in 4 major groups: Chuuk, Pohnpei, Yap and Kosrae. Population: 140,000 Capital: Palak. Religions : 48% Roman Catholic, 45% of Protestants, Mormons 2.5%, 4% unaffiliated church.
- Pray for revival of churches, many Christians are only in name. Animistic vision of the world is casting for many people. Pray for a good, solid teaching of the Word of God.
- Pray for Bible translation in several languages and that people begin to study the Scriptures.
2) Marshall Islands . 1156 small islands, 83,000 inhabitants, 181 km ². Capital: Dalap-Uliga-Darrit on the island of Majuro. Religions : 79% Protestant, 8% of independent churches, 6% Roman Catholic, 6.5% of Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, Baha's 2%, 1% animist, 2% no religion.
- The story was dramatic occupation during the war and U.S. nuclear tests have consequences as alcoholism, sexual promiscuity, suicide, feelings of insecurity and rebellion, genetic disorders due to radiation Nuclear. Ask that God gives a lot of wisdom to those who govern the country.
- Pray for the churches: they are faithful to the Word of God, are constantly transformed by the power of Christ and positively influence society.
- Pray for God's true servants who run the churches. Pray for the training of future pastors in the Theological College and Calvary Bible Institute.
3) Islands Northern Marianas . 14 volcanic islands north of Guam, with 125,000 inhabitants, an area of 477 sq. km. Religions: Catholic 79%, 15.3% Protestant, 1.3% of sects, 7% Buddhist, 2% no religion.
- The majority of people, including Chamorro natives call themselves Catholics but many never go to church. In reality they are rather animists. Pray that the Gospel shines among them. Some communities have begun Baptist and Pentecostal ministry among them.
- Many Asians have settled on these islands. Among them many Christians who seek to gain their countrymen. Many Asians (mostly Japanese and Chinese) remain culturally separate from other people. Pray they will be touched by the Gospel and the churches build bridges between communities.
- More than one million Japanese tourists visit the islands each year to worship at Buddhist temples or Shinto. Pray they will be touched by Jesus Christ!
- Pray for finishing the translation of the New Testament in Chamorro and translation in two other languages.
- Pray also for Christian programs transmitted by radio FEBC (in 5 languages of the islands).
4) The Republic of Palau . 16 islands inhabited by 23,000 people, capital, Koror, an area of 488 sq. km. Religions: Catholic 46%, 30% Protestant, 2% of independent churches, sects 12%, 5% unaffiliated Specifically, 2% Buddhist, Baha'i 1%, 2% no religion.
- Many Christians are only in name. The Catholics are mostly of Filipino origin. The ancient animistic religion of the followers returned. Yet there are signs of spiritual awakening: Please!
- The Modekngei is a unique religion in Palau: a mixture of Christianity and magic. His followers are mostly older. There are also some Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. Pray for those who seek God, let them come to Christ in the Bible and be born again.
-Pray for YWAM, which has a base Palau. They seek to stimulate domestic missionary vision and 6 are committed elsewhere.
- Pray for the radio transmission.
Friday, December 26, 2008
What Type Of Dr. Performs Arterial Biopsy?
Let's read Psalm 93, Nehemiah 11 and 12
"More than the voice of many waters,
the beautiful waves of the sea
The Lord is wonderful in high places. "
Psalm 93: 4
- Which elements nature of the psalmist compares Does the majesty of God (Ps. 93)? How are we called to devote ourselves to Him (vs. 5)?
- who moved to Jerusalem (Nehemiah 11)? What specific role performs Mattaniah (Nehemiah 11: 17, cf. 12: 8, 25)? How are they opened walls (12: 27 es.)? What feeling marked the whole people, what was the root cause (vs. 27, 43)?
Singin 'King of Kings, Lord of lords, glory, hallelujah! " (JEM 278)
Glory (3x) to the Lamb "(JEM 413)
Pray for Palestine and Bahrain :
1) Palestine (comprising the West bank and Gaza Strip):

- Pray for the peace only Jesus can transform a heart full of resentment or hatred in my heart full of love. Pray for the current political situation, where the feelings of the belligerents each other seem to take over. Pray that the Prince of Peace touches hearts, both among Jews than among the Palestinians.
- Many Palestinians living abroad: Jordan (over a million), Lebanon, the Persian Gulf countries and elsewhere in the world. Pray that these Palestinian hear the gospel of grace, that Jesus reveals himself to them.
- Pray for Arab Christians: there are nearly 2,000 evangelical Christians Arab divided into thirty churches, including two dozen in Cis-Jordan. They feel rejected by Jews, Arabs, traditional churches and even Evangelicals western countries! Those who are of Muslim origin are in constant danger of death. In October 2007, the representative of the Bible Society in Gaza, Rami Ayyad, was kidnapped and murdered. Pray for his wife Pauline and children, and for Christians in Gaza whose life is threatened. Pray that the God of Truth is revealed to the Islamists and murderers, they are saved.
- Pray for the Christians: many want to leave the country to seek safety elsewhere. God gives them the courage to stay, like Christian families moving back to Mosul even if their life is threatened.
- Pray for the YMCA library in Gaza was destroyed by the explosion of a bomb. The attack was condemned even by Hamas. Pray that the perpetrators will one day turn to Jesus Christ for salvation.
2) The Bahrain: state in the Persian Gulf, near Qatar. This is a large and 34 small islands. 700,000 inhabitants, the capital Manama, an area of 691 sq. km. Religions: Muslim 82.3%, 10.4% Christian (including 4% of Catholics), 6.2% Hindu, 0.7% no religion.
- Praise the Lord for a relative religious freedom. Although the evangelization of non-Muslims is prohibited, foreign Christians are free to worship.
- The American Mission Hospital was a place of influence of the Lord's love for over a century. Thank the Lord for his good reputation and pray that Christian witness to bear fruit.
- Many Christians are of Asian origin, particularly from India. They are active and meet in small gatherings and house churches. Pray that their testimony brings Muslims to discover Jesus Christ.
- Pray for the radio broadcasts and distribution of Christian literature.

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Hired At Burger King Interview
Let's read Psalm 92, Nehemiah 9 and 10, Apocalypse 21
"You make me glad by what you do Thou, O Lord!
And j'acclame the works of your hands. "
Psalm 92: 5
Sing: "It is good to praise the Lord" (JEM 213)
Pray for the islands of St. Helena (South Atlantic) :
"You make me glad by what you do Thou, O Lord!
And j'acclame the works of your hands. "
Psalm 92: 5
Sing: "It is good to praise the Lord" (JEM 213)
Pray for the islands of St. Helena (South Atlantic) :

Population: 6500, Capital: Jamestown (photo), a total area of 422 sq. km. Religions: Anglican 83%, 7% of Protestant churches and independent sects 7%, 1% of Catholics.
- Christians follow a lifestyle more and more materialistic and participation in church life decreases. Many have become indifferent with respect to the Gospel. Pray especially for the revival of the 16 Anglican parishes.
- Evangelical Christians are grouped in a Baptist church in an army post in the hello and Adventist community. But they are rather "old generation". Pray they keep the good deposit of faith while becoming closer to non-Christians and plugged into the news. There is no Evangelical Community on Ascension Island (700 inhabitants) and Tristan (325 inhabitants).
- Pray for evangelism: many people work in military bases in the Falklands or Ascension. Pray they find Christ, may the Lord restore family relationships where they are broken.
- Jehovah's Witnesses and The Way did a good number of followers. Pray they dig the scriptures and find the Truth.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
How Long Does It Take To Fix Crowded Teeth?
Saturday, Dec. 27 Friday, Dec. 26 Thursday, December 25
two islands off the northern coast of Venezuela. 1.3 million inhabitants, the capital Port of Spain (pictured), an area of 5,124 km ². The country gained its independence from Britain in 1962. Religions: Catholic 31%, 21.5% Protestant, 5% of independent churches, Anglican 12.5%, Sects 2%, 19% Hindu, 5.7% Muslim, Baha'i 1%, 1.4% no religion.
- Praise the Lord for the many biblical Christians has risen sharply. The country has 15% of evangelicals, 11% and 9% of charismatic Pentecostal.
- Political parties are organized along ethnic lines, which produced confrontations in the past. Pray for the government: that God gives him great wisdom and to be fair to all ethnic groups.
- In churches, people of all ethnic orgine congregate. But they are divided : Traditional and youth, an increase of charismatic ministries. There is little unity with common spiritual goals, few evangelistic efforts together. Pray for Christian unity.
- In schools, faith is taught. Many Christians have found their ministry. Pray for the outreach of the Gospel in schools. Pray also for the GBU among students and Youth for Christ among young people.
- Praise the Lord for many Hindus and some Muslims who have turned to Jesus Christ. Pray that others find in Jesus their Savior and Lord. Pray for the evangelization of each new generation.
- The missionary vision is absent in most churches. Pray that Christians are becoming aware of the needs of the Lord's work in the world, and their contribution can make a difference.
- Pray for the 3 popular Christian bookstores and Christian programs on radio and television.
Let's read Psalm 91, Nehemiah 7 and 8, Apocalypse 20
"He shall call upon me, and I will answer him;
I'll be myself with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him. "
Psalm 91: 15
meditate :
- How did the Lord does He protects those who trust in Him (Ps. 91: 1 to 14) What is the paradox of this psalm (vs. 15)? Even in distress, God delivers (vs. 15) How explain why some Christians persecuted are not released (eg Eritrea over 2,000 imprisoned Christians are suffering in horrific circumstances)?
- Hananiah the leader of the citadel a senior military =!, Received special mention, which (Nehemiah 7: 2)? Can a Christian join the army (cf. Luke 3: 14, Rom. 13: 1 to 2)? But no matter how, cf. Hanania, and Acts 4: 19, 5: 29.
- What is said of those who bring the first (Rev. 20: 4-6)? Jesus will reign for 1000 years on earth. At the end of this period, Satan will be released, revolted and attacked Israel with the kingdoms of northern Gog and Magog (see Ezekiel 38 and 39). They are defeated and the devil is cast into the lake of fire (vs. 10). Then comes the Final Judgement : Who are judged, how? What happens to the earth and sky?
Singin 'My only shelter is You "(DPS 523)
Pray for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago :
"He shall call upon me, and I will answer him;
I'll be myself with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him. "
Psalm 91: 15
meditate :
- How did the Lord does He protects those who trust in Him (Ps. 91: 1 to 14) What is the paradox of this psalm (vs. 15)? Even in distress, God delivers (vs. 15) How explain why some Christians persecuted are not released (eg Eritrea over 2,000 imprisoned Christians are suffering in horrific circumstances)?
- Hananiah the leader of the citadel a senior military =!, Received special mention, which (Nehemiah 7: 2)? Can a Christian join the army (cf. Luke 3: 14, Rom. 13: 1 to 2)? But no matter how, cf. Hanania, and Acts 4: 19, 5: 29.
- What is said of those who bring the first (Rev. 20: 4-6)? Jesus will reign for 1000 years on earth. At the end of this period, Satan will be released, revolted and attacked Israel with the kingdoms of northern Gog and Magog (see Ezekiel 38 and 39). They are defeated and the devil is cast into the lake of fire (vs. 10). Then comes the Final Judgement : Who are judged, how? What happens to the earth and sky?
Singin 'My only shelter is You "(DPS 523)
Pray for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago :

- Praise the Lord for the many biblical Christians has risen sharply. The country has 15% of evangelicals, 11% and 9% of charismatic Pentecostal.
- Political parties are organized along ethnic lines, which produced confrontations in the past. Pray for the government: that God gives him great wisdom and to be fair to all ethnic groups.
- In churches, people of all ethnic orgine congregate. But they are divided : Traditional and youth, an increase of charismatic ministries. There is little unity with common spiritual goals, few evangelistic efforts together. Pray for Christian unity.
- In schools, faith is taught. Many Christians have found their ministry. Pray for the outreach of the Gospel in schools. Pray also for the GBU among students and Youth for Christ among young people.
- Praise the Lord for many Hindus and some Muslims who have turned to Jesus Christ. Pray that others find in Jesus their Savior and Lord. Pray for the evangelization of each new generation.
- The missionary vision is absent in most churches. Pray that Christians are becoming aware of the needs of the Lord's work in the world, and their contribution can make a difference.
- Pray for the 3 popular Christian bookstores and Christian programs on radio and television.
Schematic Metal Core Boss
Let's read Psalm 90, Nehemiah 5 and 6, Luke 2: 1-20
"But the angel said unto them
Do not worry, because I announce the good news of great joy which will
for all the people
today in the city of David, you is born a Savior,
which is Christ the Lord. "
Luke 2 / 10 to 11
Sing:" The angels in our countryside "
Pray Malta :

- Malta is the first European country that has welcomed Christianity when the Apostle Paul was shipwrecked there. Since then the island has always been Catholic, and many people regularly attend mass. Yet, few have a personal faith in Jesus Christ. Pray that God will remove all obstacles to follow the living Christ.
- The charismatic movement has spread throughout the island. Pray that their leaders guide the various groups on the Bible and resist pressures to compromise.
- Protestant churches exist only since 1964, as prohibited by the British authorities before that date. There are two Anglican churches, but many are nominal Christians: pray for revival. There are also 11 meeting Baptists, Pentecostals and others, their testimony is slowly spreading over the islands and also among tourists. The young converts subissement generally much pressure from their social environment. Pray that many more people are turning to Jesus Christ.
- Pray for the witness among the North Africans: Malta is close to Libya, one of the least evangelized world. Pray that Malta played an important role in rebuilding the Church in North Africa.
- Pray for the Malta Bible Society. In 1980 she published the first Bible in Maltese. The Gideons distribute New Testaments in many hotels, schools and other institutions. Pray for evangelism through literature and videos and CDs Christians, whose film Jesus: the first film to be doubled in Maltese.
- Pray for the ministry of Christian Light Radio which received a license to transmit 24-h day FM.
- Pray for the 231,000 Maltese who emigrated to Australia, Britain, Italy and Canada.

Monday, December 22, 2008
2 Men Black And Alexis Texas
Let's Read: Psalm 89: 39 - 53, Nehemiah 3 and 4, Apocalypse 19
"The angel said to me: Write: Blessed
those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!
Then he said to me: what are the true words of God. "
Apocalypse 19: 9
- Despite the promises of the Lord to David, what misfortunes he arrived (Ps. 89: 41 - 46)? Which episode of his life story that makes reference (2 Samuel 15 th.)? What the psalmist questions he poses to God (vs 47 es.)? Before the arrival issue is, how he ends his prayer?
- How the inhabitants of Jerusalem are they set to work (Nehemiah 3: 1)? Who was the first to lead by example (vs. 1)? The Sheep Gate was on the north side of the city, strategically place the most exposed to enemy attack! What news has frightened the builders (Neh. 4: 1-2)? How did he react? Who won the victory (vs. 9, 14)?
- What a great feast following the victory over the great prostitute (Rev. 19: 7-9)? Compare two images of the prostitute on the one hand, and the wife on the other: what differences do you see? Prostitutes are spiritual in nature: the syncretism of all kinds. How Jesus is coming-He (vs. 11 to 16)? Who are defeated, what is the fate of the beast (Antichrist) and the false prophet (vs. 19 to 21)?
Singing "Silent Night, Silent Night!" (ACS 354)
Pray :
1) Gibraltar :

- Pray for the Anglican Church and the 4 small evangelical community: that the Lord wakes up and they become witnesses.
- Each year 6 million tourists visit Gibraltar. Over 7,000 Moroccan workers on site and there are also a Jewish community and Hindu pray that the Gospel is winning souls among them!
2) Monaco :

- All Monegasque Catholic culture, few know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Pray that Jesus reveals himself to Christian religion, they accept Christ as their Savior and be born again.
- 84% of the population is foreign born: the French, Italians, British, Belgian, Swiss and Germans. Pray for the 3 Anglican, Reformed and Monaco Christian Fellowship (English). Asking that Christians mark their relatives by their testimony and have a positive influence in society.
3) San Marino :

- The majority of Catholics are Christians in name only. They lead a very secular life. Let us pray for true conversions in the Catholic Church.
- The only religious communities other than the Catholic Church are the Bahai and Jehovah's Witnesses. Pray they will discover the truth of the Word of God and be saved by grace!
- Pray that the Gospel is spreading to families and evangelical churches will soon emerge.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Watch Digitalplayground Movies For Free
Wednesday, Dec. 24 Tuesday, Dec. 23 Monday, December 22
Let's Read: Psalm 89: 31 - 38, Nehemiah 1 and 2, Apocalypse 18
"Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem,
and we will not be in disgrace. "
Nehemiah 2: 17
- What God has planned for the descendants of David (Ps. 89: es 31.)? What the Lord is there any different (vs. 34-38)? How the offspring of David still does today (vs. 37)?
- learns Nehemiah, the cupbearer of King Artaxerxes in December 445 BCE guests from Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1: 3)? What is his reaction (vs. 4)? Request that he to God (vs. 11)? How did his prayer was answered four months later (Nehemiah 2: 1-8)? What is his reaction when he first arrived in Jerusalem (vs. 11), then what does it (vs. 12 to 16)? Nehemiah how he motivates people to rebuild the walls of the city (vs. 17 to 20)? How important is God's? Before and during mobilization (vs. 10, 19) Nehemiah has already faced opposition.
- What characterizes the fall of the great Balylone (Rev. 18)? Who complain about its destruction (vs. 9, 15, 17)? Who rejoice, why (vs. 20, cf. 17: 6, 6: 10)? The city of Babylon is guilty of many persecutions of Christians. Many have identified with Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire or the Roman Catholic Church.
Singin 'Today, the King of heaven in the middle of the night "(Arc-en-Ciel 365)
Pray for Luxembourg :
450,000 inhabitants, capital of Luxembourg, an area of 2,586 sq. km. Religions: Catholic 91%, 1.8% Protestant, 1% of sects, 1.1% Muslim, 4.5% no religion.
- The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a Catholic tradition and culture. The majority of residents are Catholic by birth, but very few have a personal faith in Jesus Christ. Many are involved in Buddhism or New Age. The Luxembourg were difficult to leave their Catholic culture even when they no longer believe. Many have never clearly heard the gospel of grace. Pray that God reveals himself to all those who know only one religious tradition, they discover Jesus as the Savior as announced at Christmas (Luke 2: 1-14).
- Protestants are a small minority, composed mostly of foreigners. Pray for revival in the 5 local churches and the Lutheran Churches Reformed 4. Pray for the evangelical Assemblies of small radiation: they are centered on Jesus Christ and nourished by his Word. Pray for sound teaching in the churches.
- Pray for the evangelistic activities by Operation Mobilization, the Assemblies of God and summer camps. Every summer for five weeks, the "Great White Tent" welcomes visitors to Dillingen Dutch for Sunday worship and other activities during the week.
- Lëtzeburgesch The language is the mother tongue of the majority of Luxembourg. Only the Gospel of Mark and the Psalms are translated. Pray for the translation of the Bible in Lëtzeburgesch for everyone to experience God's Word in their mother tongue.
- Pray also for the two Christian bookstores in the country.
Let's Read: Psalm 89: 31 - 38, Nehemiah 1 and 2, Apocalypse 18
"Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem,
and we will not be in disgrace. "
Nehemiah 2: 17
- What God has planned for the descendants of David (Ps. 89: es 31.)? What the Lord is there any different (vs. 34-38)? How the offspring of David still does today (vs. 37)?
- learns Nehemiah, the cupbearer of King Artaxerxes in December 445 BCE guests from Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1: 3)? What is his reaction (vs. 4)? Request that he to God (vs. 11)? How did his prayer was answered four months later (Nehemiah 2: 1-8)? What is his reaction when he first arrived in Jerusalem (vs. 11), then what does it (vs. 12 to 16)? Nehemiah how he motivates people to rebuild the walls of the city (vs. 17 to 20)? How important is God's? Before and during mobilization (vs. 10, 19) Nehemiah has already faced opposition.
- What characterizes the fall of the great Balylone (Rev. 18)? Who complain about its destruction (vs. 9, 15, 17)? Who rejoice, why (vs. 20, cf. 17: 6, 6: 10)? The city of Babylon is guilty of many persecutions of Christians. Many have identified with Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire or the Roman Catholic Church.
Singin 'Today, the King of heaven in the middle of the night "(Arc-en-Ciel 365)
Pray for Luxembourg :

- The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a Catholic tradition and culture. The majority of residents are Catholic by birth, but very few have a personal faith in Jesus Christ. Many are involved in Buddhism or New Age. The Luxembourg were difficult to leave their Catholic culture even when they no longer believe. Many have never clearly heard the gospel of grace. Pray that God reveals himself to all those who know only one religious tradition, they discover Jesus as the Savior as announced at Christmas (Luke 2: 1-14).
- Protestants are a small minority, composed mostly of foreigners. Pray for revival in the 5 local churches and the Lutheran Churches Reformed 4. Pray for the evangelical Assemblies of small radiation: they are centered on Jesus Christ and nourished by his Word. Pray for sound teaching in the churches.
- Pray for the evangelistic activities by Operation Mobilization, the Assemblies of God and summer camps. Every summer for five weeks, the "Great White Tent" welcomes visitors to Dillingen Dutch for Sunday worship and other activities during the week.
- Lëtzeburgesch The language is the mother tongue of the majority of Luxembourg. Only the Gospel of Mark and the Psalms are translated. Pray for the translation of the Bible in Lëtzeburgesch for everyone to experience God's Word in their mother tongue.
- Pray also for the two Christian bookstores in the country.

Photo: worship in the "Great White Tent" in Dillingen
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Airborne Hang Gliders
Let's read Psalm 89: 20 to 30, Ezra 9 to 10, Revelation. 17
"My faithfulness and my kindness shall be with him
And his strength up come by my name."
Psalm 89: 25
- What qualities attributed Etan he has David (Ps. 89: 20 - 21)? What promises the Lord gives him does he (vs. 22 to 26, 28 - 30)? How these promises are they fulfilled in Jesus Christ?
- What behavior néphaste Ezra finds there among former deportees (Ezra 9)? Why could he not tolerate this state of affairs? How will this problem be addressed and resolved by the people (Ezra 10)?
- Who is "the great prostitute" that John saw in his vision (Rev. 17: 1, 18)? The beast, its 7 heads and 10 horns represent the forces of the Antichrist: what is their purpose (vs. 13 to 14)?
Singin 'In Bethlehem, Jesus was born, because God keeps his promises "(to the tune of" O Christmas tree, "the pastor's words Dagon Gerard). Lyrics:
Pray for Denmark :

- The Lutheran Church is the national church. The majority of Danes are members, but participation in worship varies between 1% and 4% according to parishes. Yet 50% of Danish pray. Pray that the Lord visits Lutherans and Christians wake parishes.
- In many churches, the ceremonies are very formal. But there are also a number of evangelical pastors in the Lutheran Church who wish to wake up, pray for this movement.
- Pray for the evangelization of the home mission Lutheran for the Department of Evangelical Students in Universities and for the activities of the Free Churches (Baptists, Pentecostals, ...).
- Pray that the "new Danish", including from countries with Muslim majorities (Turkey, North Africa, Somalia, ...) Receive the good news of Jesus Christ and turn to Him as Savior and Lord.
- Danish Pray for missionaries around the world: they are 475, but their number is declining. Pray for a new missionary vision.
- Pray for the Bible Society has produced a CD quality for children and youth. This CD is widely distributed to encourage people to discover the Bible.
- We pray for new vocations and instruction in biblical truth in the Faculties of Theology and Bible institutes.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Kate And Raven Full Set
Sunday, December 21 Saturday
Let's read Psalm 89: 1 to 19, Ezra 7 and 8
"Happy the people to cry for attention;
LORD he walks in the light of thy countenance
By your name, it is in the joy all day;
in thy righteousness, it rises. "
Psalm 89: 16 to 17
Sing: "O faithful people, Jesus calls us"
Pray :
1) Today and These days relatives, many churches celebrate the Saviour's coming triumph worldwide. We pray for all those who took the floor, which receive, who serve. Pray for all the holidays of Christmas, many are touched by the Lord.
2) Yesterday in southern Mali, the New Testament Supyire (Senufo language) was officially presented! I saw the translators at work for years, they did a great job with great perseverance. Pray for the Senufo who live south of Mali, northern Côte d'Ivoire and also in western Burkina Faso. The vast majority are still animist. Pray that they open for the Gospel, the good news Jesus is progressing apace!
Let's read Psalm 89: 1 to 19, Ezra 7 and 8
"Happy the people to cry for attention;
LORD he walks in the light of thy countenance
By your name, it is in the joy all day;
in thy righteousness, it rises. "
Psalm 89: 16 to 17
Sing: "O faithful people, Jesus calls us"
Pray :
1) Today and These days relatives, many churches celebrate the Saviour's coming triumph worldwide. We pray for all those who took the floor, which receive, who serve. Pray for all the holidays of Christmas, many are touched by the Lord.
2) Yesterday in southern Mali, the New Testament Supyire (Senufo language) was officially presented! I saw the translators at work for years, they did a great job with great perseverance. Pray for the Senufo who live south of Mali, northern Côte d'Ivoire and also in western Burkina Faso. The vast majority are still animist. Pray that they open for the Gospel, the good news Jesus is progressing apace!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
How Much Does Good Wet N Wavy Hair Cost
Let's read Psalm 88, Esther 9 and 10, Apocalypse 16
"Lord God of my salvation!
I cry day and night before Thee.
Let my prayer come before thee!
Lend an ear to my cry! "
Psalm 88: 2
- In what state of mind is the psalmist, what are the causes (Ps. 88)? From the first sentence of his prayer, what is his insurance (vs. 2)? How does he see God's sovereignty despite so many ills that affect it (vs. 15 to 19)?
- What happened on the day of 13 Adar in the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus (Est. 9)? What there was of particular Suze (vs. 13 to 15)? What is the meaning of the feast of Purim (es vs 19.)? Esther How is it a foreshadowing of Christ, Jesus accomplishes it could not do? Mordecai what position he eventually occupied (Est. 10: 3)?
- What are the 7 cuts made on earth by the angels (Rev. 16)? Accomplished when the sixth cut (vs. 12 to 16)? Despite this time of trial world, even Jesus speaks to his Church (vs. 15)! What happens during the 7th cut, what will the consequences be for the highest skyscrapers under construction in several parts of the world?
Singin 'Glory to Your Name Jesus "(JEM 181)
Pray for Germany :
82 million inhabitants, the capital Berlin, an area 12 times Belgium. Religions: Protestant 33%, 32% Roman Catholic, Orthodox 1.4%, 0.7% of independent churches, 0.6% sects, 3.7% Muslim, 26% no religion.
- Praise the Lord for the destruction of the Berlin Wall in 1989, followed by the reunification of East and West sides in 1991. Praise the Lord for the freedom regained by Christians from the former East Germany.
- Praise the Lord for more openness among youth and the growth of evangelical and charismatic churches.
- Christianity both Protestant and Catholic is a front for the majority. Only 8% of the population regularly attends church, yet 67% of the population is Christian said. In reality, many are involved in one form or another of occultism, Satanism, New Age. Neo-Nazi movements are manifested in violence against foreigners and Jews, alcoholism is rampant. Pray that the Gospel be acknowledged as the source of Truth and the Life that transforms society.
- The Evangelische Kirche Deutschland is a federation of Lutheran and Reformed Churches. Biblical criticism of the 19th century has wreaked havoc. The Church is divided on matters moral, political and theological. Many churches are emptying and places of worship are not maintained, especially since many people do pay more church tax. Yet there is a wing that evangelical church, especially in Baden-Württemberg. Pray for a return to the authority of the Word of God, that God reveals His truth to those who teach human thoughts.
- The Free Churches have a good percentage of evangelical Christians. Over 1,000 new communities have emerged between 1988 and 1995. These churches have also greatly contributed to the evangelization of the East European countries during the 1990s. However, some local communities are in decline. Pray for the perseverance of all Christians, God renews his servants and gives them His vision.
- Pray for the 13 faculties of theology for decades, they are under the influence of liberal theological currents or non-biblical. Evangelicals have been marginalized. Yet the theological level, many recent research are consistent with the Gospel. Pray for the Evangelical Students in these faculties: they keep the good deposit of faith, we pray that those universities come to the Truth.
- Pray for the youth ministry: the YMCA has 260,000 members and an evangelical orientation, there are specific ministries among children, and others by phone. Pray for the 163 universities and Christian witness among students of Evangelical Students, the Campus Crusade for Christ and others.
- Pray for foreigners in Germany, many come from so-called "closed" to evangelism. They hear the Gospel and believe in Jesus Christ.
- Pray for Christian radio programs, testimony by the Internet and distributing Christian literature.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Bar Towels Personalized
December 20 Friday, Dec. 19 Thursday, December 18
Let's read Psalm 87, Esther 7 and 8, Apocalypse 15
"They (the winners) sing the song of Moses the servant of God,
and the song of the Lamb:
Your works its great and Adir,
Lord God Almighty Powerful!
Your ways are just and true,
King of nations! "
Rev. 15: 3
- How the Lord loves He Does Jerusalem (Ps. 87)? How all of humanity is it related to the city?
- Esther how she expresses its Applications the king (Est. 7)? What is the reaction of Hamman, and his fate? How is it honored Mordecai (Est. 8: 1 to 2, 7 are.)? Esther why she was presented a second time before the king without being invited (vs. 3 tbsp.)? How the Jews is closed to their dark fate? What was their reaction upon hearing the news (vs. 16)
- In the "sea of glass" are the "winners of the beast" (Rev. 15: 2), however, had defeated the Antichrist (Rev. 13: 7). Even the dead in Christ is a victory over the Devil! Expressed by sections 7 (vs. 7)?
Sing : "Jesus is mine, I am He, his banner is love" (JEM 243)
Pray for the Czech Republic :
10 million inhabitants, the capital Prague, an area of 2 1 / 2 times Belgium. Religions: Catholic 34%, 2.5% Protestant, 1.8% of independent churches, 14% of Christians without a church affiliation, 45% no religion.
- The Catholic Church is 7 times larger than all other churches together, yet it is losing momentum. The average age priests is very high: 69. Pray that the Word of God speaks to Christians asleep and leads to faith those who have a religion front.
- This is only the second time since 1620 that the Czech Protestants are no longer persecuted. Churches have a rich history. Pray for the evangelical Christians in the traditional denominations and churches in the most recent as the Baptists and Pentecostals. Some churches are losing members, others have experienced modest growth. Pray that the Lord fulfills His disciples of His Spirit and become convincing witnesses!
- Pray for the training of future pastors in Bible schools and baptized in Olomouc Reformed and Evangelical Theological Faculty in Prague, organized by the Brothers. Pray that each pastor is the proper balance between spiritual and intellectual formation.
- Pray that Christians are mobilized for evangelism. Few outreach efforts are undertaken. Yet, 45% of the population has no religion, the field is vast! Pray for a new dimension in the testimony of each disciple.
- Pray for the young: the League for the Bible Reading is active in schools primary, Evangelical Students among students, let us pray for the outreach of Christian teachers. Summer camps are valuable for evangelism and discipleship.
- Pray for the distribution of large numbers of Bibles and New Testaments by the Bible Society. That the Word of God is read and meditated upon, it leads to repentance and faith, that his reading transforms lives and shape of true disciples.
- Pray for Christian radio programs and movies Jesus in Czech, Slovak, German and Polish.
- Praise the Lord for publishing more and more literature into Czech. Pray that these readings bear fruit.
Let's read Psalm 87, Esther 7 and 8, Apocalypse 15
"They (the winners) sing the song of Moses the servant of God,
and the song of the Lamb:
Your works its great and Adir,
Lord God Almighty Powerful!
Your ways are just and true,
King of nations! "
Rev. 15: 3
- How the Lord loves He Does Jerusalem (Ps. 87)? How all of humanity is it related to the city?
- Esther how she expresses its Applications the king (Est. 7)? What is the reaction of Hamman, and his fate? How is it honored Mordecai (Est. 8: 1 to 2, 7 are.)? Esther why she was presented a second time before the king without being invited (vs. 3 tbsp.)? How the Jews is closed to their dark fate? What was their reaction upon hearing the news (vs. 16)
- In the "sea of glass" are the "winners of the beast" (Rev. 15: 2), however, had defeated the Antichrist (Rev. 13: 7). Even the dead in Christ is a victory over the Devil! Expressed by sections 7 (vs. 7)?
Sing : "Jesus is mine, I am He, his banner is love" (JEM 243)
Pray for the Czech Republic :

- The Catholic Church is 7 times larger than all other churches together, yet it is losing momentum. The average age priests is very high: 69. Pray that the Word of God speaks to Christians asleep and leads to faith those who have a religion front.
- This is only the second time since 1620 that the Czech Protestants are no longer persecuted. Churches have a rich history. Pray for the evangelical Christians in the traditional denominations and churches in the most recent as the Baptists and Pentecostals. Some churches are losing members, others have experienced modest growth. Pray that the Lord fulfills His disciples of His Spirit and become convincing witnesses!
- Pray for the training of future pastors in Bible schools and baptized in Olomouc Reformed and Evangelical Theological Faculty in Prague, organized by the Brothers. Pray that each pastor is the proper balance between spiritual and intellectual formation.
- Pray that Christians are mobilized for evangelism. Few outreach efforts are undertaken. Yet, 45% of the population has no religion, the field is vast! Pray for a new dimension in the testimony of each disciple.
- Pray for the young: the League for the Bible Reading is active in schools primary, Evangelical Students among students, let us pray for the outreach of Christian teachers. Summer camps are valuable for evangelism and discipleship.
- Pray for the distribution of large numbers of Bibles and New Testaments by the Bible Society. That the Word of God is read and meditated upon, it leads to repentance and faith, that his reading transforms lives and shape of true disciples.
- Pray for Christian radio programs and movies Jesus in Czech, Slovak, German and Polish.
- Praise the Lord for publishing more and more literature into Czech. Pray that these readings bear fruit.

Prague overlooking the river and the castle
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Kate Playgroundand Raven Riley Full Set
Let's read Psalm 86, Esther 5 and 6, Apocalypse 14
"Rejoice the soul of thy servant
To Thee, O Lord, I lift up my soul;
For You, Lord, Thou art good and forgiving,
Rich in kindness to all who ask your aid. "
Psalm 86: 4-5
- What vision did David's Lord (Psalm 86: 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13)? He is in distress, her life is threatened by violent men, yet David celebrates the Lord with all his heart (vs. 12). What is prayer (vs. 2, 4, 11, 13)? Requested by the king from his enemies (vs. 17)? Let us pray today that God shows his sign to those who persecute Christians.
- On what day was it Esther appeared before the king (Est. 5: 1 relative to fasting Rd. 2)? What the attitude of the king is it similar to the Gospel (vs. 2, cf. ch. 4: 11)? How does she know Esther's request? What is the character of Haman (es vs. 9.) And his family (vs. 14)?
- How has God demonstrated His providence to raise Mordecai, whose life was threatened in the short term (Est. 6: 1)? How the Lord has he raised?
- What are the characteristics of the 144,000 (Revelation 14: 1-5, cf. 7: 4 to 8)? Are they the only ones saved (vs. 6-7, 12-13, cf. 7: 9 th.)? What is the only thing we will take to heaven (vs. 13)?
Singin 'To you, Lord, I lift my voice "(JEM 300)
Pray Slovakia :

- Pray for traditional churches: Catholic, Lutheran and Reformed. Many communities are losing ground and losing members. Let us ask the Lord He reveals His glory and that Christians are experiencing a new birth.
- The evangelical churches are few in number (250) and small, they suffer from a minority complex. Pray that Christians are very firm in their faith and become ardent witnesses. Pray for this band gédéonites: when it will rise, great victories in perspective.
- The Evangelical Alliance is encouraging communities to plant new churches.
- Praise the Lord for the Bible Institute rataché at the University of Banska Bystrica, which trains pastors, evangelists, teachers Christians, etc. ... We pray for all those who train new servants who are preparing. Pray for the new generation of young men, that their hearts may be over for the Lord, that their department has an impact on the Slovak population, well beyond the borders.
- Pray for the evangelization of young people: many conferences for youth and prayer meetings attract many participants. Pray for the teams of Campus Crusade for Christ Jesus that project the film throughout the country in several languages. Pray also for the translation and distribution of Christian literature and for radio programs. TWR has an office in Bratislava and forwards each week 7 1 / 2 hours in Slovak, Hungarian 7 am, also in English and Czech.
- Pray for the evangelization of minorities: the Hungarians (10% of the population) and the Roma are often discarded. Pray for demonstrations of love from Christians.

Photo: view of Bratislava
Monday, December 15, 2008
Patricia Master Batesblog
Let's read Psalm 85, Esther 3 and 4, Apocalypse 13
"Lord, make us see your kindness,
And grant us your salvation !
The LORD also will bring happiness,
and our land will yield its products. "
Psalm 85: 8, 13
- What's return captivity is a sign it (Psalm 85: 2-4)? What signs have we received God's forgiveness, what is the psalmist's concern for the future of the people (vs. 7-9)? Do we want see also the benevolence of God in our lives? "Happiness is not an illusion that man makes, but it is a grace, vs 13" He who does not open to this grace misses of life.
- Haman seeks Why does the loss of the Jewish people, what are the roots of the problem (Est. 3)? What do you think the attitude of Mordecai (vs. 5)? How did God's hand in the spell cast by this genocidal (vs. 7, 13)? What was the reaction of the Jews (Est. 4)? Mordecai how he makes his request to Esther? What is his response (vs. 16)?
- The beast mentioned in Apocalypse 13: 1-8 is the Antichrist. What does it look like the dragon (Satan, ch. 12: 3, 17)? What are its characteristics? His followers, who do not follow? His reign is limited in time: 42 months = 3 1 / 2 years. From verse 11, another animal comes into play. What is his power (vs. 13 to 17)? And its purpose (vs. 12)?
Singin 'Yes goodness and mercy shall follow me "(JEM 77)
Pray for Hungary :
10 million capital, Budapest, an area of 3 times Belgium. Religions: Catholic 60%, 22% Protestant, 9% of Christians without a Church affililiation, 0.5% sects, 7% no religion, 0.8% Jews.
- Praise the Lord for the peaceful transition from communism to parliamentary democracy in 1990, religious freedom and economic improvement since 1998.
- The Protestant churches have been affected by revivals in 1939 and 1946 to 1950 who prepared providentially persecution under communism. In the Reformed Church is a Bible Union and an alumni association to encourage lay ministry. In the Catholic Church is an important charismatic movement, as in the Baptist community. Pray for the Historic Churches: their loyalty to the Word of God, the awakening of every Christian.
- Pray for a better understanding between churches historical and recent: mutual respect, a provision common to serve the Lord.
- Praise the Lord that the 4 theological faculties under Communism closed were reopened. Other Bible schools were opened. Thousands of young people studying theology. Pray that God calls and trains new servants in fear of his name and in faithfulness to His Word.
- Pray for the ministry among young people who are very receptive to the Gospel. There are hundreds of Christian schools in the country: that the Gospel will be sent to schoolchildren. Pray for the grace of God on every teacher, whether they are true witnesses in word and deed. Big conventions attract thousands of people young and university ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ and the GBU is Florise.
- Pray for the Jewish people before the Holocaust were 800,000, currently more than 80,000. Among them, many have believed in Jesus as Messiah Messianic Synagogues ago. Pray for reconciliation between Christians and Jews.
- Pray for the evangelization of Roma, refugees from the former Yugoslavia, Christians name in many parts. Pray for the many radio programs, for the film Jesus which is one of the best-selling videos, for the distribution of Bibles by the Bible Society Hongare.
- We pray for the vocation and formation of new evangelists and missionaries: Hungary has sent 122 missionaries, including some abroad.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
How To Reduce My Uppe Rbody??
Wednesday, December 17 Tuesday, Dec. 16 Monday, December 15
Let's read Psalm 84, Esther 1 and 2, Apocalypse 12
"For the Lord is a sun and shield
The Lord gives grace and glory,
He does not deny happiness to those who walk uprightly. "
Psalm 84: 12
" They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and
because of the word of their testimony,
and they loved not their lives unto death. "
Apoclaypse 12: 11
- How Happiness can be a reality (Psalm 84: 5, 6, 13)? Yet the word for people who go through many hardships by the time (vs. 7). What are they in the "valley of tears (Bakah = cry)? What promises are given to the believer (vs. 8)? What turns there (vs. 11b)?
- Esther lived the life of the Persian king Ahasuerus who ruled at Susa of 486 to 465 BC. Chronologically, the events took place after Ezra 6 and rebuilding the temple. Ahasuerus why he sent the queen Vashti (Est. 1)? How did he advise what were his motives? However, there was a solution: repentance and forgiveness that are not even mentioned!
- What steps were taken to find a new wife for the king (Est. 2)? Who was Mordecai, what his attitude is it yours, even when Esther (Hadassah) is located inside the harem? What specific instructions did he give the girl (vs. 10)?
- The woman represents Israel (which gave birth to the Messiah, vs 5) and the church (vs. 17). The dragon is Satan who is cast to the earth with his demons, they persecute the people of God, how? How are they the followers of the conquerors, how far are they in their persistence (vs. 11)? Are we willing to die for the name of Jesus?
Singin : "A day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere" (JEM 355)
Pray for Slovenia :
The most prosperous republic the former Yugoslavia, bordering Italy and Austria. Nearly 2 million people, capital Ljubljiana (photo), area 20,256 km ². Religions: Catholic 81%, 2% Orthodox, 1.2% Protestant, 1.5% Muslim, 13.5% no religion.
- Slovenia has a long Catholic tradition. But for the majority, it is only a Christian name. The 3 traditional churches (Catholic, Orthodox and Lutheran) have little spiritual life. In practice, most people are agnostic or atheist. Pray for revival of traditional churches, the Christian name of discovering a personal faith in Jesus Christ and become disciples.
- Slovak Bible Society has completed a new Bible translation in Slovak language. All churches have participated. Pray for the Bible distribution, and Others by schools and libraries. There's only evangelical bookstore in the country.
- Leaflets evangelical were distributed in 80% of mailboxes across the country. Pray that this distribution bears fruit.
- Since the Reformation, there is an evangelical witness in the country. Yet there are very few evangelical churches in the country. Pray for the growth of churches and the establishment of new communities.
- Pray for evangelism among students (Campus Crusade for Christ, the Navigators and GBU), radio broadcasts by TWR, and the mobilization of every Christian: that they be filled with the Holy Spirit to be witnesses ardent.
Let's read Psalm 84, Esther 1 and 2, Apocalypse 12
"For the Lord is a sun and shield
The Lord gives grace and glory,
He does not deny happiness to those who walk uprightly. "
Psalm 84: 12
" They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and
because of the word of their testimony,
and they loved not their lives unto death. "
Apoclaypse 12: 11
- How Happiness can be a reality (Psalm 84: 5, 6, 13)? Yet the word for people who go through many hardships by the time (vs. 7). What are they in the "valley of tears (Bakah = cry)? What promises are given to the believer (vs. 8)? What turns there (vs. 11b)?
- Esther lived the life of the Persian king Ahasuerus who ruled at Susa of 486 to 465 BC. Chronologically, the events took place after Ezra 6 and rebuilding the temple. Ahasuerus why he sent the queen Vashti (Est. 1)? How did he advise what were his motives? However, there was a solution: repentance and forgiveness that are not even mentioned!
- What steps were taken to find a new wife for the king (Est. 2)? Who was Mordecai, what his attitude is it yours, even when Esther (Hadassah) is located inside the harem? What specific instructions did he give the girl (vs. 10)?
- The woman represents Israel (which gave birth to the Messiah, vs 5) and the church (vs. 17). The dragon is Satan who is cast to the earth with his demons, they persecute the people of God, how? How are they the followers of the conquerors, how far are they in their persistence (vs. 11)? Are we willing to die for the name of Jesus?
Singin : "A day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere" (JEM 355)
Pray for Slovenia :

- Slovenia has a long Catholic tradition. But for the majority, it is only a Christian name. The 3 traditional churches (Catholic, Orthodox and Lutheran) have little spiritual life. In practice, most people are agnostic or atheist. Pray for revival of traditional churches, the Christian name of discovering a personal faith in Jesus Christ and become disciples.
- Slovak Bible Society has completed a new Bible translation in Slovak language. All churches have participated. Pray for the Bible distribution, and Others by schools and libraries. There's only evangelical bookstore in the country.
- Leaflets evangelical were distributed in 80% of mailboxes across the country. Pray that this distribution bears fruit.
- Since the Reformation, there is an evangelical witness in the country. Yet there are very few evangelical churches in the country. Pray for the growth of churches and the establishment of new communities.
- Pray for evangelism among students (Campus Crusade for Christ, the Navigators and GBU), radio broadcasts by TWR, and the mobilization of every Christian: that they be filled with the Holy Spirit to be witnesses ardent.

Photo: former baptistery in Zgodnjekrščanski center
Gummi Ninja Turtle Candy
Let's read Psalm 83, 5 and 6 Ezra, Apocalypse 11
"They celebrated with joy for seven days feast of breads unleavened
because the Lord had pleased them tilting toward the heart of the king of Assyria to support the work of the house of God, the God of Israel. "
Ezra 6: 22
-Many nations have formed an alliance against Israel to wiped off the map (Psalm 83: 3-5). What is the prayer of the Psalmist (vs. 2, 10, 14, 17)? Note that this is finally he prays for their conversion (vs. 17, 19)! Pray also for those who want to wipe Israel today and the Church of the card.
- After stopping a fifteen years, what interventions are pushing back the Jews to rebuild the temple (Ezra 5: 1)? Whence came the new opposition, what kind it was (vs. 3)? What approach has been followed to see who was right (vs. 5 th.)? How is God intervened on behalf of the builders (vs. 5)?
- How King Darius he replied (Ezra 6: 1 tbsp.)? What was his response and additional blessings for Israel (es vs 7.)? How many times have taken the work (Haggai 1: 1 and Ezra 6: 15, the 12th month Adar =)? How the temple he was inaugurated? What was the first festival celebrated just one month later?
- When Jerusalem was occupied by the nations that rise in the holy city for 3 1 / 2 years? Who is the beast that kills (vs. 7)? They are resurrected and taken to heaven! What other notable event affecting the city of Jerusalem (Vs. 13)? What happens when the seventh trumpet sounded (vs. 15 th.)? Notice the precision: "The kingdom of the world " (vs. 15). What is the scope of our prayer: "Thy kingdom come"?
Singing: "God is a mighty God" (JEM 385)
Pray for Croatia :

- A deep hatred has prevailed for centuries between Catholic Croats, Orthodox Serbs and Bosnian Muslims. It is a heavy burden for the future. Only through Jesus Christ, true reconciliation can become a reality. Pray that the Gospel transforms the hearts, the Lord takes away all hatred.
- Pray that those who have a religion (Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim, ...) find in Jesus their Savior and Lord. As hearts are changed.

- Pray that many tourists are a source of encouragement for small churches.
- 117 missionaries assist local churches, especially in ministry to the refugees. The evangelical churches have distinguished themselves as a trans-ethnic movement which has developed a ministry for refugees of all communities. With compassion, assistance, therapies tailored to the trauma of war, and are given lots of love. Many people have turned to Jesus Christ. Pray for all who minister to the refugees.
- Pray for the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek, which has a good international reputation. People who are trained in 27 different countries.
- Pray for evangelism among the 80,000 students (GBU), radio programs transmitted by many local radio stations, to distribute Christian literature in Croatian and screenings of the film Jesus .
- 117 missionaries assist local churches, especially in ministry to the refugees. The evangelical churches have distinguished themselves as a trans-ethnic movement which has developed a ministry for refugees of all communities. With compassion, assistance, therapies tailored to the trauma of war, and are given lots of love. Many people have turned to Jesus Christ. Pray for all who minister to the refugees.
- Pray for the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek, which has a good international reputation. People who are trained in 27 different countries.
- Pray for evangelism among the 80,000 students (GBU), radio programs transmitted by many local radio stations, to distribute Christian literature in Croatian and screenings of the film Jesus .
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Kates Playground Ddl 2010
Sunday, December 14 Saturday, Dec. 13 Friday, December 12
Let's read Psalm 81, Zechariah 11 and 12, Apocalypse 10
"Oh, if my People listened,
if Israel would walk in my ways!
In an instant humiliate their enemies,
I turn my hand against their adversaries "
Psalm 81: 14 to 15
Meditate :
- This Psalm 81 was sung during the festival commemorating the huts out of Egypt. What the Lord Has he delivered his people (vs. 7)? Why (vs. 8)? Do we pray with faith? What the Lord gives warnings Does It (vs. 10, 14)? What are the consequences of disobedience (vs. 13)? What promises are given to one who is faithful (vs. 11, 15, 17)?
- What are the characteristics of the poor shepherd (Zech. 11: 16), compare the characteristics of the good shepherd (John 10)? Which was estimated at a price of 30 pieces of silver (vs. 13), when is it done (Matt. 26: 15)? How does the Lord will take care of it-when it is threatened Jerusalem (Zech. 12: 3 to 9)? This issue is yet to come for the events that precede the glorious return of Jesus Christ. What will happen to Israel in these days (vs. 10)? The conversion of Israel, a valuable sign of the return of Jesus Christ! In verse 10: that is the "me", what does it mean for Jesus Christ to whom this verse is attributed (John 19: 37 Zach quotes. 12: 10 from the translation of the LXX). Yet the word "I" is present in the original text of Zechariah (Hebrew) Jehovah's Witnesses eliminate the New World Translation, as the Word of God completely reversed their position view of the nature of Jesus Christ. Hence the importance of biblical languages!
- What's going to happen when the trumpet of the seventh angel sounds (Revelation 11: 7)? What does the apostle John (vs. 9 and 11)?
Singing: "God has an army that stands up to obey him" (JEM 398)
Pray for Bosnia-Herzegovina :
Republic of former Yugoslavia, 4.3 million inhabitants, the capital Sarajevo, an area almost twice Belgium. Language: Bosnian. Religions: Muslim 60%, 17 % Of Orthodox, Catholic 17.2%, 0.1% Protestant, 5% no religion.
- Bosnia has suffered greatly. The independence of 1992 was challenged by the Serb minority and the war of three opposing sides (Bosnian Muslims, Serbs and Croats) has caused enormous human losses (250,000) and destruction of 25% of the buildings. Ethnic cleansing has left deep traces. Pray for the peace that the Lord is revealed in where the survivors still suffer. Also pray that the perpetrators ask for forgiveness and that words of forgiveness can be given.
- 1.3 million people have fled, 400,000 have returned, they often live in difficult conditions. Pray for all NGOs in the field to help rebuild the country.
- In 1991 there were only three Protestant churches, in 2000 there were 29 with an average of 25 participants. The churches have gained credibility in that they sought to build bridges between different ethnic communities.
- Despite the smallness of the church, a small Bible school was started in Mostar in 1996 with twenty students, pray for the Bible teacher.
- Pray for those who have never heard the Gospel: the Bosnian Muslims, Serbs, people travel (ethnically Turkish and Muslim). Pray for the radio: TWR sends weekly 8 am program in Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian. Pray also that many are affected by the film Jesus.
- Pray for the city of Sarajevo, which suffered a lot for the ministry among the 30,000 students.
Let's read Psalm 81, Zechariah 11 and 12, Apocalypse 10
"Oh, if my People listened,
if Israel would walk in my ways!
In an instant humiliate their enemies,
I turn my hand against their adversaries "
Psalm 81: 14 to 15
Meditate :
- This Psalm 81 was sung during the festival commemorating the huts out of Egypt. What the Lord Has he delivered his people (vs. 7)? Why (vs. 8)? Do we pray with faith? What the Lord gives warnings Does It (vs. 10, 14)? What are the consequences of disobedience (vs. 13)? What promises are given to one who is faithful (vs. 11, 15, 17)?
- What are the characteristics of the poor shepherd (Zech. 11: 16), compare the characteristics of the good shepherd (John 10)? Which was estimated at a price of 30 pieces of silver (vs. 13), when is it done (Matt. 26: 15)? How does the Lord will take care of it-when it is threatened Jerusalem (Zech. 12: 3 to 9)? This issue is yet to come for the events that precede the glorious return of Jesus Christ. What will happen to Israel in these days (vs. 10)? The conversion of Israel, a valuable sign of the return of Jesus Christ! In verse 10: that is the "me", what does it mean for Jesus Christ to whom this verse is attributed (John 19: 37 Zach quotes. 12: 10 from the translation of the LXX). Yet the word "I" is present in the original text of Zechariah (Hebrew) Jehovah's Witnesses eliminate the New World Translation, as the Word of God completely reversed their position view of the nature of Jesus Christ. Hence the importance of biblical languages!
- What's going to happen when the trumpet of the seventh angel sounds (Revelation 11: 7)? What does the apostle John (vs. 9 and 11)?
Singing: "God has an army that stands up to obey him" (JEM 398)
Pray for Bosnia-Herzegovina :
Republic of former Yugoslavia, 4.3 million inhabitants, the capital Sarajevo, an area almost twice Belgium. Language: Bosnian. Religions: Muslim 60%, 17 % Of Orthodox, Catholic 17.2%, 0.1% Protestant, 5% no religion.
- Bosnia has suffered greatly. The independence of 1992 was challenged by the Serb minority and the war of three opposing sides (Bosnian Muslims, Serbs and Croats) has caused enormous human losses (250,000) and destruction of 25% of the buildings. Ethnic cleansing has left deep traces. Pray for the peace that the Lord is revealed in where the survivors still suffer. Also pray that the perpetrators ask for forgiveness and that words of forgiveness can be given.
- 1.3 million people have fled, 400,000 have returned, they often live in difficult conditions. Pray for all NGOs in the field to help rebuild the country.
- In 1991 there were only three Protestant churches, in 2000 there were 29 with an average of 25 participants. The churches have gained credibility in that they sought to build bridges between different ethnic communities.
- Despite the smallness of the church, a small Bible school was started in Mostar in 1996 with twenty students, pray for the Bible teacher.
- Pray for those who have never heard the Gospel: the Bosnian Muslims, Serbs, people travel (ethnically Turkish and Muslim). Pray for the radio: TWR sends weekly 8 am program in Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian. Pray also that many are affected by the film Jesus.
- Pray for the city of Sarajevo, which suffered a lot for the ministry among the 30,000 students.

Photos: Top destroyed Mostar, Mostar down with the bridge rebuilt
pray for the reconciliation of peoples
What Do Footspurs Look Like
Let's read Psalm 80, Zechariah 9 and 10, Apocalypse 9
"Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel,
you who led Joseph like a flock
You sit between the cherubim!
Appear in your glory ...
Put yourself on for our salvation !
O God, let us return!
Shine your face, and we shall be saved! "
Psalm 80: 2-4
- What images are used to describe the people of God (Ps. 80: 2, 9)? What damage did the people there suffered (vs. 7, 13 to 14, 17) what are the demands of the author to God (vs. 2, 3, 4, 15, 16, 19) ? Which comes back 3 times with the prospect of salvation? What is our prayer for the Church of the Lord?
- After several prophecies against the regions north and west Israel, Zechariah how he announces the coming of the Messiah (Zech. 9: 9)? Note that there was no king in Israel of his time! How did Jesus fulfilled this prophecy (the word "victory" is "saved" (Hebrew) or "saving" (LXX))? What part of the prophecy yet to come, when? How the Lord transforms he the courage of those of his house (10: 6, 12)? Am I one of his heroes?!
- What is the 5th and 6th trumpet (Rev. 9)? What is the difference between the people of God marked by the seal and non-Christians (vs. 4-6)? For how long these terrible events they occur?
Singing "Jesus is my divine shepherd" (JEM 187)
"Every moment of every day Jesus took care of me" (JEM 145)
Pray for persecuted Christians worldwide :
In Eritrea many Christians locked in shipping containers would be dead according to a recent report. No figures were given. As they never had a trial, the government says not to know. More than 2,000 Christians are still locked in conditions infinitely worse than Guantanamo. Pray that God will intervene to free its captives.
In North Korea, tens of thousands languish in prisons.
In Saudi Arabia a teenager converted to Jesus Christ just been killed by her brother in the name of Islam. His blood was shed, the blood of matyrs is the seed of the Gospel! Praise God for those in Saudi Arabia turn to Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for his blood shed on the cross to save us!
In Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, proposals for legislation restricting the freedoms of all churches should be voted soon. Pray for freedom, we pray that these laws are rejected.

In Orissa state in India , Hindu extremists have killed between 59 and 500 Christians, seriously injured hundreds more, destroyed over 4,500 houses, churches and schools, caused the flight of tens of thousands of people. Some pastors were burned alive.
Good news for cons of Algeria : 3 accused of proselytizing Christians were released. Glory to God.
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