Let's read Psalm 81, Zechariah 11 and 12, Apocalypse 10
"Oh, if my People listened,
if Israel would walk in my ways!
In an instant humiliate their enemies,
I turn my hand against their adversaries "
Psalm 81: 14 to 15
Meditate :
- This Psalm 81 was sung during the festival commemorating the huts out of Egypt. What the Lord Has he delivered his people (vs. 7)? Why (vs. 8)? Do we pray with faith? What the Lord gives warnings Does It (vs. 10, 14)? What are the consequences of disobedience (vs. 13)? What promises are given to one who is faithful (vs. 11, 15, 17)?
- What are the characteristics of the poor shepherd (Zech. 11: 16), compare the characteristics of the good shepherd (John 10)? Which was estimated at a price of 30 pieces of silver (vs. 13), when is it done (Matt. 26: 15)? How does the Lord will take care of it-when it is threatened Jerusalem (Zech. 12: 3 to 9)? This issue is yet to come for the events that precede the glorious return of Jesus Christ. What will happen to Israel in these days (vs. 10)? The conversion of Israel, a valuable sign of the return of Jesus Christ! In verse 10: that is the "me", what does it mean for Jesus Christ to whom this verse is attributed (John 19: 37 Zach quotes. 12: 10 from the translation of the LXX). Yet the word "I" is present in the original text of Zechariah (Hebrew) Jehovah's Witnesses eliminate the New World Translation, as the Word of God completely reversed their position view of the nature of Jesus Christ. Hence the importance of biblical languages!
- What's going to happen when the trumpet of the seventh angel sounds (Revelation 11: 7)? What does the apostle John (vs. 9 and 11)?
Singing: "God has an army that stands up to obey him" (JEM 398)
Pray for Bosnia-Herzegovina :
Republic of former Yugoslavia, 4.3 million inhabitants, the capital Sarajevo, an area almost twice Belgium. Language: Bosnian. Religions: Muslim 60%, 17 % Of Orthodox, Catholic 17.2%, 0.1% Protestant, 5% no religion.
- Bosnia has suffered greatly. The independence of 1992 was challenged by the Serb minority and the war of three opposing sides (Bosnian Muslims, Serbs and Croats) has caused enormous human losses (250,000) and destruction of 25% of the buildings. Ethnic cleansing has left deep traces. Pray for the peace that the Lord is revealed in where the survivors still suffer. Also pray that the perpetrators ask for forgiveness and that words of forgiveness can be given.
- 1.3 million people have fled, 400,000 have returned, they often live in difficult conditions. Pray for all NGOs in the field to help rebuild the country.
- In 1991 there were only three Protestant churches, in 2000 there were 29 with an average of 25 participants. The churches have gained credibility in that they sought to build bridges between different ethnic communities.
- Despite the smallness of the church, a small Bible school was started in Mostar in 1996 with twenty students, pray for the Bible teacher.
- Pray for those who have never heard the Gospel: the Bosnian Muslims, Serbs, people travel (ethnically Turkish and Muslim). Pray for the radio: TWR sends weekly 8 am program in Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian. Pray also that many are affected by the film Jesus.
- Pray for the city of Sarajevo, which suffered a lot for the ministry among the 30,000 students.

Photos: Top destroyed Mostar, Mostar down with the bridge rebuilt
pray for the reconciliation of peoples
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