read: Psalm 78: 1-20, Zechariah 1 and 2, Apocalypse 5
"Thus saith the LORD of hosts: My cities
still overflow property
the LORD shall yet comfort Zion,
It will still be his choice on Jerusalem. "
Zechariah 1: 17
- What mission the fathers have received (Ps. 78: 3 and 4)? With what objectives (vs. 7)? How did they fathers (vs. 8)? Are we aware of our role as fathers?
- What Zechariah Does He called the people, with what promise (Zech. 1: 3)? What is his vision, what are the words of hope for Jerusalem (vs. 7 to 17)? Our words, are they also marked by compassion (vs. 13, 16)? How does the Lord will take care of Jerusalem-He (2: 8 to 9, 12, 14, 16)? How may the Lord He said: "He sent me unto the nations ..." (Vs. 12) Who sent Who?
- Why is Jesus worthy to open the seals of the Book (Rev. 5: 9)? What is the consequence (vs. 12 to 13)? For what other reason can Jesus be adored (1: 5 to 6, 4: 11, cf. Cols. 1: 16)?
Sing: "Rejoice, O daughter of Zion" (JEM 592)
"Jesus, my beloved, my treasure" (JEM 221)
Pray for Russia :

146 million inhabitants, the capital Moscow, an area of more than 31 times that of France. It is the country with the largest area of the world, it covers 11 time zones. The Russian Federation are 21 republics, 49 regions, 2 federal cities, 6 ethnic territories, 10 districts and ethnic autonomous region. The Russian is the official language, 95 other languages are spoken. Religion: Orthodox 41%, 3% Protestant, 1% Catholic, 9% of Christians without a church affiliation, no religion 31%, 10% Muslim, 5% other.

- The Gospel has spread rapidly: during the years 1990, the number of churches has doubled, 20% of Russian atheists have professed their faith in Christ in one way or another (among them influential politicians), people who had never heard the Gospel have heard the message of God's love.
- The Church in Russia has suffered greatly from the revolution in 1917 and 1990: 36 million people died at or en route to the gulags, 200,000 priests and pastors have been martyred, 500,000 others imprisoned. Orthodox churches of 100,000 in 1920, only 1000 were still open to Christians in 1940. It is impossible to describe all the sufferings of Christians, but the Church of Jesus Christ has survived and spread everywhere.
- The period of the '90s was a time of euphoria, but there have also been through. Foreign missions have launched major campaigns without considering the local culture, and often when many people stood up, there was little fruit in the long term. Sects, many forms of Satanism and parapsychology also have a huge influence. Pray that those who are searching found in Jesus Christ their Savior and Lord.
- Pray for the Bible translation work that is underway in 80 languages, 30 million hatitans speak languages without NT. Translation in Russian Modern is in progress. The Bible Society was able to reopen in 1992 and distributes each year 2 million Bibles and NT.
- Pray for evangelism: 31% of the population has no religion, many people are Orthodox by tradition but have no relationship with the Church signficative (only 7% go at least once month at the church) for the new rich: they find their true wealth in Jesus and share their wealth with the underprivileged, for Muslims, for the 3.6 million students, ...
- Alcoholism is a big problem that affects 40% of men and 7% of women. Consequences: the number theft is enormous and often family life a misery. There are few specialized ministries among alcoholics. Pray that the Lord frees the influence of alcohol and changes the country's reputation!
- Pray for the production and distribution of more Christian literature for Christian programming in radio and TV.
- Pray for the establishment of new churches: today there is only one evangelical church for 30,000 people, we pray that thousands of new churches are born soon!
- Pray for the role of Russia in world politics: that These leaders seek
solutions and peace.

A new day is rising!
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