Let's Read: Psalm 89: 31 - 38, Nehemiah 1 and 2, Apocalypse 18
"Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem,
and we will not be in disgrace. "
Nehemiah 2: 17
- What God has planned for the descendants of David (Ps. 89: es 31.)? What the Lord is there any different (vs. 34-38)? How the offspring of David still does today (vs. 37)?
- learns Nehemiah, the cupbearer of King Artaxerxes in December 445 BCE guests from Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1: 3)? What is his reaction (vs. 4)? Request that he to God (vs. 11)? How did his prayer was answered four months later (Nehemiah 2: 1-8)? What is his reaction when he first arrived in Jerusalem (vs. 11), then what does it (vs. 12 to 16)? Nehemiah how he motivates people to rebuild the walls of the city (vs. 17 to 20)? How important is God's? Before and during mobilization (vs. 10, 19) Nehemiah has already faced opposition.
- What characterizes the fall of the great Balylone (Rev. 18)? Who complain about its destruction (vs. 9, 15, 17)? Who rejoice, why (vs. 20, cf. 17: 6, 6: 10)? The city of Babylon is guilty of many persecutions of Christians. Many have identified with Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire or the Roman Catholic Church.
Singin 'Today, the King of heaven in the middle of the night "(Arc-en-Ciel 365)
Pray for Luxembourg :

- The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a Catholic tradition and culture. The majority of residents are Catholic by birth, but very few have a personal faith in Jesus Christ. Many are involved in Buddhism or New Age. The Luxembourg were difficult to leave their Catholic culture even when they no longer believe. Many have never clearly heard the gospel of grace. Pray that God reveals himself to all those who know only one religious tradition, they discover Jesus as the Savior as announced at Christmas (Luke 2: 1-14).
- Protestants are a small minority, composed mostly of foreigners. Pray for revival in the 5 local churches and the Lutheran Churches Reformed 4. Pray for the evangelical Assemblies of small radiation: they are centered on Jesus Christ and nourished by his Word. Pray for sound teaching in the churches.
- Pray for the evangelistic activities by Operation Mobilization, the Assemblies of God and summer camps. Every summer for five weeks, the "Great White Tent" welcomes visitors to Dillingen Dutch for Sunday worship and other activities during the week.
- Lëtzeburgesch The language is the mother tongue of the majority of Luxembourg. Only the Gospel of Mark and the Psalms are translated. Pray for the translation of the Bible in Lëtzeburgesch for everyone to experience God's Word in their mother tongue.
- Pray also for the two Christian bookstores in the country.

Photo: worship in the "Great White Tent" in Dillingen
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