Let's read Psalm 83, 5 and 6 Ezra, Apocalypse 11
"They celebrated with joy for seven days feast of breads unleavened
because the Lord had pleased them tilting toward the heart of the king of Assyria to support the work of the house of God, the God of Israel. "
Ezra 6: 22
-Many nations have formed an alliance against Israel to wiped off the map (Psalm 83: 3-5). What is the prayer of the Psalmist (vs. 2, 10, 14, 17)? Note that this is finally he prays for their conversion (vs. 17, 19)! Pray also for those who want to wipe Israel today and the Church of the card.
- After stopping a fifteen years, what interventions are pushing back the Jews to rebuild the temple (Ezra 5: 1)? Whence came the new opposition, what kind it was (vs. 3)? What approach has been followed to see who was right (vs. 5 th.)? How is God intervened on behalf of the builders (vs. 5)?
- How King Darius he replied (Ezra 6: 1 tbsp.)? What was his response and additional blessings for Israel (es vs 7.)? How many times have taken the work (Haggai 1: 1 and Ezra 6: 15, the 12th month Adar =)? How the temple he was inaugurated? What was the first festival celebrated just one month later?
- When Jerusalem was occupied by the nations that rise in the holy city for 3 1 / 2 years? Who is the beast that kills (vs. 7)? They are resurrected and taken to heaven! What other notable event affecting the city of Jerusalem (Vs. 13)? What happens when the seventh trumpet sounded (vs. 15 th.)? Notice the precision: "The kingdom of the world " (vs. 15). What is the scope of our prayer: "Thy kingdom come"?
Singing: "God is a mighty God" (JEM 385)
Pray for Croatia :

- A deep hatred has prevailed for centuries between Catholic Croats, Orthodox Serbs and Bosnian Muslims. It is a heavy burden for the future. Only through Jesus Christ, true reconciliation can become a reality. Pray that the Gospel transforms the hearts, the Lord takes away all hatred.
- Pray that those who have a religion (Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim, ...) find in Jesus their Savior and Lord. As hearts are changed.

- Pray that many tourists are a source of encouragement for small churches.
- 117 missionaries assist local churches, especially in ministry to the refugees. The evangelical churches have distinguished themselves as a trans-ethnic movement which has developed a ministry for refugees of all communities. With compassion, assistance, therapies tailored to the trauma of war, and are given lots of love. Many people have turned to Jesus Christ. Pray for all who minister to the refugees.
- Pray for the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek, which has a good international reputation. People who are trained in 27 different countries.
- Pray for evangelism among the 80,000 students (GBU), radio programs transmitted by many local radio stations, to distribute Christian literature in Croatian and screenings of the film Jesus .
- 117 missionaries assist local churches, especially in ministry to the refugees. The evangelical churches have distinguished themselves as a trans-ethnic movement which has developed a ministry for refugees of all communities. With compassion, assistance, therapies tailored to the trauma of war, and are given lots of love. Many people have turned to Jesus Christ. Pray for all who minister to the refugees.
- Pray for the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek, which has a good international reputation. People who are trained in 27 different countries.
- Pray for evangelism among the 80,000 students (GBU), radio programs transmitted by many local radio stations, to distribute Christian literature in Croatian and screenings of the film Jesus .
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