Let's read Psalm 78: 21-39, Zechariah 3 and 4, 6 Apocalypse
"Take away the filthy garments
Then he said:
Look, I ' removes your fault for you to take precious clothes. "
Zechariah 3: 4
"Who hath despised the day of small things ?
Zechariah 4: 10a
- Why Did God angry against his people during his journey through the desert (Psalm 78: 21 to 31 )? Have they changed their behavior (vs. 32)? What was the reaction of the Lord (vs. 34)? Finally, they sought God (vs. 34b - 35): What was God's answer, why (vs. 38 to 39 ) and what changes in attitude, both men of the Lord His grace won the victory where there is repentance.
- How the priest is depicted in the vision of Zechariah (Zech. 3)? Who makes his defense (vs. 3-4)? Who is our advocate before God (1 John 2: 1)? Which is announced by the angel of the Lord (vs. 8)? How did Jesus removed the fault of the country in one day (John 1: 29, 19: es 17.)?
- Who is the voice of the angel in chapter 4? What is the vision? Whom the Governor there will need to rebuild the temple (vs. 6)? The Lord is serious about small beginnings (10a), ours too: he can make a great work that surpasses all our expectations!
- What are the six seals of the Apocalypse 6? Who tremble before the wrath of God (15-16)? Through all these events, what is the attitude of Christians (Rev. 1: 3, 22: 20 - 21)?
Singin 'What can I do O my God, the God of my salvation "(AF 48)
Pray Byelorussia (Belarus):

10 million inhabitants, the capital Minsk, an area of almost 7 times Belgium. This country with large agricultural areas and huge forests has been particularly affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster: 25% the area is uninhabitable. Religions: Orthodox 48.7%, 13.2% Catholic, 2.5% Protestant, 14% of Christians without a church affiliation, 1% Jews, 20% no religion.
- Belarus seeks his identity. For centuries, the country was ruled by Poland and Russia. Pray that the churches are particularly attentive to the inculturation of the Gospel at the liturgy, hymns, theological education, literature and radio broadcasts.
- The consequences of Chernobyl are tragic for the country: diseases due to nuclear radiation are 80 higher than elsewhere in the world, huge areas have become unfit for agriculture, and economic and psychological impact is enormous. Pray that in this climate of despair God brings new hope for every person.
- The religious freedom of early independence in 1991 no longer exists, especially for small and new churches. The Orthodox Church also seeks to curb the activities of other churches. New legislation approved in 2002 greatly restricts religious freedom. Building permits are denied to Protestant churches. All religious activities are prohibited unrecognized and very few applications for new churches are accepted. The inability of the Evangelical Churches to lease buildings or official organize evangelistic activities hinders growth. Yet evangelical Christians are progressing. Pray for the growth of the Church despite all the discrimination.
- Pray for the training of hundreds of Belarusian servants. That the Lord raises courageous leaders who fear the Lord.
- Pray that the missionaries are humble servants who learn the mentality of the country and become a blessing.
- Pray for evangelism all those who have no religion, Christians in name, the 50,000 Jews in Minsk (there is a Messianic Jewish assembly), and for small communities that are Azeri and Tatar Muslims.
- Pray for the distribution of Bibles and Bibles for children in Russian and Belarusian language by the Bible Society. Thousands of Bibles are distributed and received with great interest.

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