Let's read Psalm 84, Esther 1 and 2, Apocalypse 12
"For the Lord is a sun and shield
The Lord gives grace and glory,
He does not deny happiness to those who walk uprightly. "
Psalm 84: 12
" They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and
because of the word of their testimony,
and they loved not their lives unto death. "
Apoclaypse 12: 11
- How Happiness can be a reality (Psalm 84: 5, 6, 13)? Yet the word for people who go through many hardships by the time (vs. 7). What are they in the "valley of tears (Bakah = cry)? What promises are given to the believer (vs. 8)? What turns there (vs. 11b)?
- Esther lived the life of the Persian king Ahasuerus who ruled at Susa of 486 to 465 BC. Chronologically, the events took place after Ezra 6 and rebuilding the temple. Ahasuerus why he sent the queen Vashti (Est. 1)? How did he advise what were his motives? However, there was a solution: repentance and forgiveness that are not even mentioned!
- What steps were taken to find a new wife for the king (Est. 2)? Who was Mordecai, what his attitude is it yours, even when Esther (Hadassah) is located inside the harem? What specific instructions did he give the girl (vs. 10)?
- The woman represents Israel (which gave birth to the Messiah, vs 5) and the church (vs. 17). The dragon is Satan who is cast to the earth with his demons, they persecute the people of God, how? How are they the followers of the conquerors, how far are they in their persistence (vs. 11)? Are we willing to die for the name of Jesus?
Singin : "A day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere" (JEM 355)
Pray for Slovenia :

- Slovenia has a long Catholic tradition. But for the majority, it is only a Christian name. The 3 traditional churches (Catholic, Orthodox and Lutheran) have little spiritual life. In practice, most people are agnostic or atheist. Pray for revival of traditional churches, the Christian name of discovering a personal faith in Jesus Christ and become disciples.
- Slovak Bible Society has completed a new Bible translation in Slovak language. All churches have participated. Pray for the Bible distribution, and Others by schools and libraries. There's only evangelical bookstore in the country.
- Leaflets evangelical were distributed in 80% of mailboxes across the country. Pray that this distribution bears fruit.
- Since the Reformation, there is an evangelical witness in the country. Yet there are very few evangelical churches in the country. Pray for the growth of churches and the establishment of new communities.
- Pray for evangelism among students (Campus Crusade for Christ, the Navigators and GBU), radio broadcasts by TWR, and the mobilization of every Christian: that they be filled with the Holy Spirit to be witnesses ardent.

Photo: former baptistery in Zgodnjekrščanski center
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