Let's read Psalm 87, Esther 7 and 8, Apocalypse 15
"They (the winners) sing the song of Moses the servant of God,
and the song of the Lamb:
Your works its great and Adir,
Lord God Almighty Powerful!
Your ways are just and true,
King of nations! "
Rev. 15: 3
- How the Lord loves He Does Jerusalem (Ps. 87)? How all of humanity is it related to the city?
- Esther how she expresses its Applications the king (Est. 7)? What is the reaction of Hamman, and his fate? How is it honored Mordecai (Est. 8: 1 to 2, 7 are.)? Esther why she was presented a second time before the king without being invited (vs. 3 tbsp.)? How the Jews is closed to their dark fate? What was their reaction upon hearing the news (vs. 16)
- In the "sea of glass" are the "winners of the beast" (Rev. 15: 2), however, had defeated the Antichrist (Rev. 13: 7). Even the dead in Christ is a victory over the Devil! Expressed by sections 7 (vs. 7)?
Sing : "Jesus is mine, I am He, his banner is love" (JEM 243)
Pray for the Czech Republic :

- The Catholic Church is 7 times larger than all other churches together, yet it is losing momentum. The average age priests is very high: 69. Pray that the Word of God speaks to Christians asleep and leads to faith those who have a religion front.
- This is only the second time since 1620 that the Czech Protestants are no longer persecuted. Churches have a rich history. Pray for the evangelical Christians in the traditional denominations and churches in the most recent as the Baptists and Pentecostals. Some churches are losing members, others have experienced modest growth. Pray that the Lord fulfills His disciples of His Spirit and become convincing witnesses!
- Pray for the training of future pastors in Bible schools and baptized in Olomouc Reformed and Evangelical Theological Faculty in Prague, organized by the Brothers. Pray that each pastor is the proper balance between spiritual and intellectual formation.
- Pray that Christians are mobilized for evangelism. Few outreach efforts are undertaken. Yet, 45% of the population has no religion, the field is vast! Pray for a new dimension in the testimony of each disciple.
- Pray for the young: the League for the Bible Reading is active in schools primary, Evangelical Students among students, let us pray for the outreach of Christian teachers. Summer camps are valuable for evangelism and discipleship.
- Pray for the distribution of large numbers of Bibles and New Testaments by the Bible Society. That the Word of God is read and meditated upon, it leads to repentance and faith, that his reading transforms lives and shape of true disciples.
- Pray for Christian radio programs and movies Jesus in Czech, Slovak, German and Polish.
- Praise the Lord for publishing more and more literature into Czech. Pray that these readings bear fruit.

Prague overlooking the river and the castle
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