Let's read Psalm 92, Nehemiah 9 and 10, Apocalypse 21
"You make me glad by what you do Thou, O Lord!
And j'acclame the works of your hands. "
Psalm 92: 5
Sing: "It is good to praise the Lord" (JEM 213)
Pray for the islands of St. Helena (South Atlantic) :
"You make me glad by what you do Thou, O Lord!
And j'acclame the works of your hands. "
Psalm 92: 5
Sing: "It is good to praise the Lord" (JEM 213)
Pray for the islands of St. Helena (South Atlantic) :

Population: 6500, Capital: Jamestown (photo), a total area of 422 sq. km. Religions: Anglican 83%, 7% of Protestant churches and independent sects 7%, 1% of Catholics.
- Christians follow a lifestyle more and more materialistic and participation in church life decreases. Many have become indifferent with respect to the Gospel. Pray especially for the revival of the 16 Anglican parishes.
- Evangelical Christians are grouped in a Baptist church in an army post in the hello and Adventist community. But they are rather "old generation". Pray they keep the good deposit of faith while becoming closer to non-Christians and plugged into the news. There is no Evangelical Community on Ascension Island (700 inhabitants) and Tristan (325 inhabitants).
- Pray for evangelism: many people work in military bases in the Falklands or Ascension. Pray they find Christ, may the Lord restore family relationships where they are broken.
- Jehovah's Witnesses and The Way did a good number of followers. Pray they dig the scriptures and find the Truth.
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