Let's read Psalm 86, Esther 5 and 6, Apocalypse 14
"Rejoice the soul of thy servant
To Thee, O Lord, I lift up my soul;
For You, Lord, Thou art good and forgiving,
Rich in kindness to all who ask your aid. "
Psalm 86: 4-5
- What vision did David's Lord (Psalm 86: 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13)? He is in distress, her life is threatened by violent men, yet David celebrates the Lord with all his heart (vs. 12). What is prayer (vs. 2, 4, 11, 13)? Requested by the king from his enemies (vs. 17)? Let us pray today that God shows his sign to those who persecute Christians.
- On what day was it Esther appeared before the king (Est. 5: 1 relative to fasting Rd. 2)? What the attitude of the king is it similar to the Gospel (vs. 2, cf. ch. 4: 11)? How does she know Esther's request? What is the character of Haman (es vs. 9.) And his family (vs. 14)?
- How has God demonstrated His providence to raise Mordecai, whose life was threatened in the short term (Est. 6: 1)? How the Lord has he raised?
- What are the characteristics of the 144,000 (Revelation 14: 1-5, cf. 7: 4 to 8)? Are they the only ones saved (vs. 6-7, 12-13, cf. 7: 9 th.)? What is the only thing we will take to heaven (vs. 13)?
Singin 'To you, Lord, I lift my voice "(JEM 300)
Pray Slovakia :

- Pray for traditional churches: Catholic, Lutheran and Reformed. Many communities are losing ground and losing members. Let us ask the Lord He reveals His glory and that Christians are experiencing a new birth.
- The evangelical churches are few in number (250) and small, they suffer from a minority complex. Pray that Christians are very firm in their faith and become ardent witnesses. Pray for this band gédéonites: when it will rise, great victories in perspective.
- The Evangelical Alliance is encouraging communities to plant new churches.
- Praise the Lord for the Bible Institute rataché at the University of Banska Bystrica, which trains pastors, evangelists, teachers Christians, etc. ... We pray for all those who train new servants who are preparing. Pray for the new generation of young men, that their hearts may be over for the Lord, that their department has an impact on the Slovak population, well beyond the borders.
- Pray for the evangelization of young people: many conferences for youth and prayer meetings attract many participants. Pray for the teams of Campus Crusade for Christ Jesus that project the film throughout the country in several languages. Pray also for the translation and distribution of Christian literature and for radio programs. TWR has an office in Bratislava and forwards each week 7 1 / 2 hours in Slovak, Hungarian 7 am, also in English and Czech.
- Pray for the evangelization of minorities: the Hungarians (10% of the population) and the Roma are often discarded. Pray for demonstrations of love from Christians.

Photo: view of Bratislava
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