Let's read Psalm 93, Nehemiah 11 and 12
"More than the voice of many waters,
the beautiful waves of the sea
The Lord is wonderful in high places. "
Psalm 93: 4
- Which elements nature of the psalmist compares Does the majesty of God (Ps. 93)? How are we called to devote ourselves to Him (vs. 5)?
- who moved to Jerusalem (Nehemiah 11)? What specific role performs Mattaniah (Nehemiah 11: 17, cf. 12: 8, 25)? How are they opened walls (12: 27 es.)? What feeling marked the whole people, what was the root cause (vs. 27, 43)?
Singin 'King of Kings, Lord of lords, glory, hallelujah! " (JEM 278)
Glory (3x) to the Lamb "(JEM 413)
Pray for Palestine and Bahrain :
1) Palestine (comprising the West bank and Gaza Strip):

- Pray for the peace only Jesus can transform a heart full of resentment or hatred in my heart full of love. Pray for the current political situation, where the feelings of the belligerents each other seem to take over. Pray that the Prince of Peace touches hearts, both among Jews than among the Palestinians.
- Many Palestinians living abroad: Jordan (over a million), Lebanon, the Persian Gulf countries and elsewhere in the world. Pray that these Palestinian hear the gospel of grace, that Jesus reveals himself to them.
- Pray for Arab Christians: there are nearly 2,000 evangelical Christians Arab divided into thirty churches, including two dozen in Cis-Jordan. They feel rejected by Jews, Arabs, traditional churches and even Evangelicals western countries! Those who are of Muslim origin are in constant danger of death. In October 2007, the representative of the Bible Society in Gaza, Rami Ayyad, was kidnapped and murdered. Pray for his wife Pauline and children, and for Christians in Gaza whose life is threatened. Pray that the God of Truth is revealed to the Islamists and murderers, they are saved.
- Pray for the Christians: many want to leave the country to seek safety elsewhere. God gives them the courage to stay, like Christian families moving back to Mosul even if their life is threatened.
- Pray for the YMCA library in Gaza was destroyed by the explosion of a bomb. The attack was condemned even by Hamas. Pray that the perpetrators will one day turn to Jesus Christ for salvation.
2) The Bahrain: state in the Persian Gulf, near Qatar. This is a large and 34 small islands. 700,000 inhabitants, the capital Manama, an area of 691 sq. km. Religions: Muslim 82.3%, 10.4% Christian (including 4% of Catholics), 6.2% Hindu, 0.7% no religion.
- Praise the Lord for a relative religious freedom. Although the evangelization of non-Muslims is prohibited, foreign Christians are free to worship.
- The American Mission Hospital was a place of influence of the Lord's love for over a century. Thank the Lord for his good reputation and pray that Christian witness to bear fruit.
- Many Christians are of Asian origin, particularly from India. They are active and meet in small gatherings and house churches. Pray that their testimony brings Muslims to discover Jesus Christ.
- Pray for the radio broadcasts and distribution of Christian literature.

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