Let's read Psalm 91, Nehemiah 7 and 8, Apocalypse 20
"He shall call upon me, and I will answer him;
I'll be myself with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him. "
Psalm 91: 15
meditate :
- How did the Lord does He protects those who trust in Him (Ps. 91: 1 to 14) What is the paradox of this psalm (vs. 15)? Even in distress, God delivers (vs. 15) How explain why some Christians persecuted are not released (eg Eritrea over 2,000 imprisoned Christians are suffering in horrific circumstances)?
- Hananiah the leader of the citadel a senior military =!, Received special mention, which (Nehemiah 7: 2)? Can a Christian join the army (cf. Luke 3: 14, Rom. 13: 1 to 2)? But no matter how, cf. Hanania, and Acts 4: 19, 5: 29.
- What is said of those who bring the first (Rev. 20: 4-6)? Jesus will reign for 1000 years on earth. At the end of this period, Satan will be released, revolted and attacked Israel with the kingdoms of northern Gog and Magog (see Ezekiel 38 and 39). They are defeated and the devil is cast into the lake of fire (vs. 10). Then comes the Final Judgement : Who are judged, how? What happens to the earth and sky?
Singin 'My only shelter is You "(DPS 523)
Pray for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago :
"He shall call upon me, and I will answer him;
I'll be myself with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him. "
Psalm 91: 15
meditate :
- How did the Lord does He protects those who trust in Him (Ps. 91: 1 to 14) What is the paradox of this psalm (vs. 15)? Even in distress, God delivers (vs. 15) How explain why some Christians persecuted are not released (eg Eritrea over 2,000 imprisoned Christians are suffering in horrific circumstances)?
- Hananiah the leader of the citadel a senior military =!, Received special mention, which (Nehemiah 7: 2)? Can a Christian join the army (cf. Luke 3: 14, Rom. 13: 1 to 2)? But no matter how, cf. Hanania, and Acts 4: 19, 5: 29.
- What is said of those who bring the first (Rev. 20: 4-6)? Jesus will reign for 1000 years on earth. At the end of this period, Satan will be released, revolted and attacked Israel with the kingdoms of northern Gog and Magog (see Ezekiel 38 and 39). They are defeated and the devil is cast into the lake of fire (vs. 10). Then comes the Final Judgement : Who are judged, how? What happens to the earth and sky?
Singin 'My only shelter is You "(DPS 523)
Pray for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago :

- Praise the Lord for the many biblical Christians has risen sharply. The country has 15% of evangelicals, 11% and 9% of charismatic Pentecostal.
- Political parties are organized along ethnic lines, which produced confrontations in the past. Pray for the government: that God gives him great wisdom and to be fair to all ethnic groups.
- In churches, people of all ethnic orgine congregate. But they are divided : Traditional and youth, an increase of charismatic ministries. There is little unity with common spiritual goals, few evangelistic efforts together. Pray for Christian unity.
- In schools, faith is taught. Many Christians have found their ministry. Pray for the outreach of the Gospel in schools. Pray also for the GBU among students and Youth for Christ among young people.
- Praise the Lord for many Hindus and some Muslims who have turned to Jesus Christ. Pray that others find in Jesus their Savior and Lord. Pray for the evangelization of each new generation.
- The missionary vision is absent in most churches. Pray that Christians are becoming aware of the needs of the Lord's work in the world, and their contribution can make a difference.
- Pray for the 3 popular Christian bookstores and Christian programs on radio and television.
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