Let's read Psalm 96, Malachi 3 (and 4 according to the numbering)
"Behold, I will send my messenger;
It will open the way before Me.
And suddenly come to his temple the Lord whom ye seek
And the messenger of the covenant that you desire,
here it comes,
saith the LORD of hosts. "
Evil. 3: 1
- To which the Lord invites us there (Ps. 96: 1, 7-8)? Who are invited (vs. 1b)? What we proclaim in song (vs. 2-3)? The author tells how he majesty of God (vs. 4 es.)? Sing God wholeheartedly, with hymns like recent past with praise, songs of revival and rediscovery of worship as new! By discovering the author and the circumstances in which the songs were written they can take on a new meaning for us, eg "Amazing Grace" by John Newton.
- Who will send the Lord God (Mal. 3: 1, 23), who is it (cf. Luke 1: 15 to 17 and Mal 3: 24, Mat. 11: 10 - 14). Before whom the messenger he opens a path (Mal. 3: 1), what does it mean for Jesus Christ (cf. Mt 11: 10, John 1: 23)? What is the messenger of the covenant (vs. 3), how Jesus is the fulfillment (1 John 1: 7-9, Mat. 3: 11)? What is the specific sign of the new covenant (Luke 22: 19 - 20)? What we call launches the Lord (vs. 7)? What are the consequences of giving a tithe (vs. 10 to 12)? How do we see again the difference between the righteous and the wicked (vs. 15, 16 - 21)?
Singin 'Our Father which art in heaven "(FAC 182)
Pray for the Netherlands :

- The Netherlands has a glorious history as a Christian nation, but became a secular country with a reputation of a great ethical liberalism. In Europe, Holland has been often been first in the liberalization of drugs, abortion, euthanasia, gay marriage.
- Country formerly marked by the Reformation, the Catholic Church has yet become greater than all the Protestant churches together. When the Catholic Church has lost only a few percent of these members, the Protestant churches which accounted 60% of the population by 1900 none had more than 21% in 2000! Liberal theology has had a devastating influence. Yet even in the traditional Reformed churches, there are quite a number of pastors and Communities "reformed" in the historical sense of the word or evangelical tendency. Pray for the return and fidelity to the Word of God, for messengers carried by the grace of God for the salvation of souls.
- Pray that God will raise a new generation of messengers faithful to His Word and filled with the Holy Spirit.
- Pray for evangelism: almost half the population is unrelated to a Christian church. Pray the testimony of parents to their children to become disciples of Jesus Christ for evangelism among youth and university students in the streets and in coffee bars and others to reach those who are under the influence of drugs .
- Pray for the ministry of Youth for Christ has a ministry notable among the young.
- Pray for evangelism among ethnic minorities in Ghana, Suriname, Caribbean, Indonesian, Moroccan, Turkish, Iranian, Afghan, ...
- The missionary vision is great, the Netherlands currently have 1500 missionaries sent many of which are active in humanitarian assistance and translation of the Bible. Pray that a new generation of youth who rises soiet ready to leave his comfort and to give his life for Jesus. For many the cost of consecration is too big. Pray that young people find Jesus in their lives to the cause for which they are ready to die.
- Pray for new donors: many of the older generation gave the tithe faithfully, but when they die, they are not replaced. Pray that young Christians give wholeheartedly and with discernment.
- Pray for the issuance of the Evangelische Omroep, which transmits 18 hours of television and 60 hours on national radio. These programs have touched many listeners. Pray for faithfulness to the Scriptures, to work on.

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