Let's read Psalm 89: 20 to 30, Ezra 9 to 10, Revelation. 17
"My faithfulness and my kindness shall be with him
And his strength up come by my name."
Psalm 89: 25
- What qualities attributed Etan he has David (Ps. 89: 20 - 21)? What promises the Lord gives him does he (vs. 22 to 26, 28 - 30)? How these promises are they fulfilled in Jesus Christ?
- What behavior néphaste Ezra finds there among former deportees (Ezra 9)? Why could he not tolerate this state of affairs? How will this problem be addressed and resolved by the people (Ezra 10)?
- Who is "the great prostitute" that John saw in his vision (Rev. 17: 1, 18)? The beast, its 7 heads and 10 horns represent the forces of the Antichrist: what is their purpose (vs. 13 to 14)?
Singin 'In Bethlehem, Jesus was born, because God keeps his promises "(to the tune of" O Christmas tree, "the pastor's words Dagon Gerard). Lyrics: http://jesus-sauve-aujourd-hui.over-blog.com/article-24890997.html
Pray for Denmark :

- The Lutheran Church is the national church. The majority of Danes are members, but participation in worship varies between 1% and 4% according to parishes. Yet 50% of Danish pray. Pray that the Lord visits Lutherans and Christians wake parishes.
- In many churches, the ceremonies are very formal. But there are also a number of evangelical pastors in the Lutheran Church who wish to wake up, pray for this movement.
- Pray for the evangelization of the home mission Lutheran for the Department of Evangelical Students in Universities and for the activities of the Free Churches (Baptists, Pentecostals, ...).
- Pray that the "new Danish", including from countries with Muslim majorities (Turkey, North Africa, Somalia, ...) Receive the good news of Jesus Christ and turn to Him as Savior and Lord.
- Danish Pray for missionaries around the world: they are 475, but their number is declining. Pray for a new missionary vision.
- Pray for the Bible Society has produced a CD quality for children and youth. This CD is widely distributed to encourage people to discover the Bible.
- We pray for new vocations and instruction in biblical truth in the Faculties of Theology and Bible institutes.
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